How did the Association of Universal Philosophy begin? Who asked that it come into being?

A stairway to Heaven
101 min readMar 9, 2018
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(From the BOOK with Wings, first edition): On April 3, 1970, Ray Elkins’s wife was startled when her husband began to speak while he was having a coma-like seizure. This had never happened before. Always, his breathing would become indetectable and the silence was like he was no longer there. [You can hear the first words she recorded here.]

A week or so before he began to whisper, Ray had passed on. There, one with more love in his eyes than anyone Ray had ever seen gave him a gift, and the choice to return back to his body or to remain there, with all the other standing around this one. If Ray chose to return, Ray was asked to give this gift to others in the same manner of love it was given to him, asking nothing in return. [Read how it happened.]

When the unconscious man spoke from his home in Globe, Arizona, his wife grabbed the little hand-held tape recorder that her Mother had just lent her. They thought Ray’s neurologist would want to hear this change. Margaret said, “Ray?”

An answer came: “Not Ray.

Startled, she said, “Who then!

The voice responded as it whispered from the universe: “Body — spirit — soul — God! — many worlds — many universes — many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man[‘s] expansion.

Which is most important?” she asked.

God!” the voice that seemed to resound from throughout the universes spoke.

Who is God?” she asked.

God is………….everything!” she heard it speak.

Not one thing?” she aked.

Not one thing, but everything. God is………….is God!

Then she asked: “[Who] do you want to tell me about?

The answer came softly through the unconscious man’s voice: “In the beginning — In the beginning God gave man spirit because he was lonely. Then man’s spirit was not enough, because spirit always knew of God — in spirit — so many spirits — so many, many spirits.

“Then God thought, ‘I SHOULD [MAKE] MAN, FOR I HAVE USE [FOR] THIS….’

“Before, before there were many gods, like our God; before [the two] worlds, many worlds….”

Why can’t I call you Ray?” his wife asked.

Ray is of this plane. I, by my name who speak through him…there to guide him, that others may learn through him, that they may learn a way to God….

His missions and my mission are to bring man back to God.”

Margaret didn’t know what to think. And Ray, well, he wasn’t present, so he had no memory of what had happened.

So on April 6, 1970, when this happened again, Ray’s wife asked, “Can you tell us who you are?”

“My name is Aka.”

“Why do you come to us?”

“I do not come to you.”

“Who do you come to?”

“I come to Ray.”

“What do you want Ray to know?”

“To bring his flock to God.”

On April 7, 1970, Ray’s wife invited a hypnotist, Rod, to the house to help Ray return to this state that had alleviated his severe headaches, when nothing else had. Could Ray find help?

The voice spoke through Ray’s unconscious body: “Soul Ray [is] not sure, even yet. He, together with others, shall build again God’s temple upon earth….

“All knowledge is but at ye bidding. If you have permission of a soul, ask of any subject and you shall know through I.”

Rod, asked, “Aka, isn’t it better if it comes from my soul?”

“Your souls shall bind as one, as did Christ, who was sent not to change, but to bring and prove what had been before.

“In this time, in the turmoil of man, ye shall see once again, only in a different way, in a different plane, of Christ, of God, our Lord, our Father.”

Rod may not have remembered or even fully understood Jesus’ words written in the New Testament, including his farewell prayer in John, chapters 13–17. Nor was heprobably aware of Zechariah, chapters 12–14, and The Revelation, chapters 19–22. But Rod pondered the meaning of the words he was hearing and the feeling of spiritual presence close to God.

When Rod returned to help Ray, April 8, 1970, the hypnotist asked: “Do you have any messages for us this evening?”

“Yes….Aka shall speak of thy Father that you, and knowledge on the great sword. The great sword is here — cuts from both sides, cuts from the past to the present, for our Father has shown this sword before to man, but he did not heed. Now, not now, our Father says, but soon; it has begun to strike. Our Father who gave up His son, as we are His son and His daughter, we who walk on earth, on many earths, of many galaxies, on many worlds, of many planets, that our spirit should travel and hover over man, to enter, as He gave us choice, by some.” [See Hebrews 4:12, John 3:1–21, 13:20, 14:16-21, 15:3–10, 15:26–27, 16:7–15 and The Revelation of John, chapters 4 through 19.]

“But [for] some there shall be nothing; for some there shall be many; for some our Father weeps, as He weeps now….”

“We would like to know more about you, Aka. Who and what are you? And how do you operate?”

“I am of many. Our Father has seen fit to let them of many souls gather and speak through I for the mission He says thy shall know, when the time is right. And in your number shall gather…of thy one and of the one of thy three — when thy shall know thy purpose and thy mission [in] complete. For as thy temple builds one by one, and two by two, and three by three, so shall the temple of God grow on this earth.

“All thy spirits are gathered tonight — to pass through, through thy spirit, Ray — through thy spirit, Ray — yes. He shall answer your questions as I. What other questions have you?…”

“Did I understand you correctly, Aka, you are many spirits?”

“Yes, this is true, for as the pebbles of a brook, so are the spirits of God, as the pebbles of the rivers are the pebbles of the spirits of man, as thy pebbles of the ocean are the souls of man, on this vast, not one universe, not one, but so vast, so many, so great, so beautiful.”

Angels announce the birth of the Messiah

“Yesterday, you said I had requested something. I am not completely aware of what this request was for. Can you explain this to me? If so, please do.”

“You asked God for guidance and for a way to do His bidding and for a way into which you may help others, other souls, other spirits. And on this plane, to do this you must help release the spirits that have been lost — for soon, as though in a twinkling of an eye, all planes upon this earth shall end and begin again, and it is God’s will that when this happens, that He may bring home into His many mansions His children. To do this, you have been chosen…to build again His temple as it was in the beginning, here on earth, and only in this way may all of His children come home to Him.

“He loves them so. He loves them all.

“What else would you know?…

“Wait, be patient, and as thy group shall grow into vast, as it did before, thy number shall increase as it did before. Thy number shall increase times by Thirteen and then into groups of Thirteen….” [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

See Acts, chapters 1–2 and Jesus’ farewell words when he said he will send the Spirit of truth who will not speak on his own authority, but only what he hears from the Father, and said he is coming back. He prayed that all who through their words put their faith in him be one, as he is in the Father and the Father in him, so also “may they be in us.” “May they be perfectly one.” See John, chapters 14–17. Others, such as the “sleeping prophets” Edgar Cayce and Ray Elkins in more recent times, speak of a Council of Thirteen.

“Ask thy other question….I shall tell you the others, one by one, mate by mate, and what a mighty mountain for God we shall build….”

“Thank you.”

“No, not yet; do not thank me, thank God.”


“When your group is complete piece by piece, His plan shall be known to you, for you shall meditate, you shall dream as you have never dreamed before….

“Ask your other questions now….”

“Thank you. When I asked you about having knowledge come from inside rather than from an outside source, you said there would be a building of the souls to prove something. I am not entirely clear on what it was, could you explain that?”

“As I have said before, as though my soul was born, so shall yours. Ye shall bind and bear unto thirteen, but mark my words well, it can only bear it as long as each member is in accord with God’s work and God’s plan. Do not misinterpret my words. Do not twist them to suit thy own or other’s own bidding. But my words can only be used for God’s bidding.

“Can you understand this…?” [See Acts, chapters 1–2.]

“I think that these [words are said] in meditation, ‘Thy will be done’.”

“Yes, on earth, so shall it be in heaven…. [See Matthew, chapter 6.]

“Now I have a message from God, our Father: ‘LISTEN WELL, MY CHILDREN. WALK THY STRAIGHT AND TRUE. I LOVE THEE.’”

These first words spoken may help us understand what the Association truly is that was soon formed, as a flock of people began to gather at Ray’s home in Globe to listen — and how we may prepare a way, first within ourselves, and then within others, for the Messiah’s coming.

April 11, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God said: “Thy have many questions to ask me.

“Many questions have crossed thy mind and many have crossed the mind of soul Ray. One of these thy shall tell him, for he still has not received our full awakening in his mind. The question of the temple of God on earth, this question, this question I have permission to answer.

“Be what thou are, for what be thy a name? For the temple of man, let God speaketh, for He spoketh before, and said, “BUILD ME NOT FALSE TEMPLES AND FALSE IDOLS TO WORSHIP.” [See Exodus 20:4.]

“Yet man would try to buy God’s blessing with material things. ‘SLAUGHTER NOT THY LAMB; I WISH NOT OF HIS BLOOD, ONLY OF HIS LOVE.’ Therefore, in man, I wish no temples built [to] God. And God wishes no temples built to He. Build thy temple in thy soul of man, and God shall weep no more, for then thy soul shall return to thy spirit and flow upward through no more planes, but back to His mansion….

“Remember who the Thirteen were, who they are, who they shall always be. If thy remember this, do not misinterpret my words, for if thy misinterpret the words of thy many souls, then I misinterpret the words of thy many souls, and thy misinterpret the mighty plan of God.” [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

“Can you understand this, soul _____?”

“I’m trying.”

Acts, chapters 1–2, tells how Jesus will return. Then Peter recalled a scripture that the 12 must be restored, so they chose another to be in Judas’s place. Then there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit who spoke through those who received this indwelling to those listening in their own tongue or language. So it is when the spiritual messengers of God speak today. On the right is an icon of the Christian Pentecost in the Greek Orthodox tradition. It depicts the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. At the bottom is an allegorical figure, called Kosmos, which symbolizes the world.

“I realize my manner of speech sometimes may sound like riddles, but it is hard, sometimes, for the spirit to speak as man.

Thy have another thought, of thy past lives. Think thee what is in a name? God is called by many names, in many tongues, in many lands, in many worlds, in many universes; yet, they are all the same.

“I have said, worship thy God and build thy temples of God. I do not mean the doubt that has come to your mind. As long as a man’s soul shall worship God, even though it not be entirely right, or even if it is just one teardrop closer to God, then do not belittle him, for he is trying.

Therefore, in what thy call thy churches of God, God, like all fathers do, sometimes frowns on the childish whims of man in his worship toward Him, but as a father, He can not but love them for it.

“But for thee, thy know in thy heart that all God’s temple shall mean to you and to your groups, when they are ready, is not a false idol, but your love…”

In a while, Ray’s wife asked, “In the instruction of the children in the manners of God, should we try to teach them this now, or send them to a church for basic instruction and then when they’re older give them this?”

“May I ask permission first before answering this question?”


“If you will wait, I will ask.

“Our Father says that the basic instructions in thy church can help the child. But also, as they feed them bread and water, feed them thy own thoughts on religion. Feed them thy temple of God.

“In thy mind thy have the question, ‘Is this a Christian religion?’ And God has given me permission to answer this question. As man began, he knew of all his natural instincts and of his natural knowledge, but as he built his own knowledge, he walked away from the natural knowledge which God had given him. Therefore — therefore, by walking away, he built his own instructions for religion.

“Christ told men of this same religion when he told them, ‘I have not come to change, but to bring forth what thy have already known.’ [See Matthew, chapter 22.]

Yet again, his own disciples, to gain the honor of the men upon that plane and to gain a place for their church, decided that the people were not ready for the knowledge, because in their thoughts they thought, ‘If we tell our people that they may be born again, as Christ has showed us he has been, what would keep them from sinning? They would think they could be born over and over again.’ But what they forgot is also what Christ told them, that thee shall be born again over until thy may see thy true light of God, and had they told them that by working toward this, they would have accepted. That is why I am here now, again….” [See John 1:10–34, and chapters 3, 14, 15, 16 and 17.]

“So let thy children take some of their religion from there, but let them eat from thy tree too, that they may take this on. Someday, as the group grows, then you will no longer have the need for the outside, as you call them, churches. Do not condemn these outside churches, because you will have many members from all churches in your group, and your many groups, and they shall return to their church to tell of the things they have learned. Therefore, God’s temple will build in that way also.”

“Would it be better for [the] soul, Ray, for his head to be in one direction or another?”

“Yes. Point his head, if thy can, always to thy east, for there is where we come from.”

Can you see the thirteen rays of light shining infinitely from the Father — through the universes and worlds beyond worlds –as the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, enter Ray’s unconscious body from the east to speak to those listening in their own language and ways of knowing their Creator, God? Microphones taped to a horizontal mike stand partially obscure the loving expression on the face as Aka speaks.

“What is the name of this religion you speak of?”

“It has many names. It has been named — in which time plane are thy asking?”

“If it exists now, we would have its name in this time plane.”

“In this time plane, it is known [of the mental] philosophy of God; some would call it (chuckle) E.S.P.”

“(Chuckle) this is a religion?”

“In its own way. It is our way of reaching through to man.

“But there are also other powers at work; guard against these.

“I have a name for thy group, which I will tell you at a different time. I do not have permission at this time to tell you, but a different time, I shall have it.

“But, if thy should seek proof, look — in thy land is what they call — which shall erupt from the earth, not once, but twice, but threefold, and the riches shall gush from the earth; this land is located here, very close. Look thy in the city, Atlantis. Look thy in Egypt in the vaults below Cairo which have long since been built upon. Beneath it — not soon, but not yet too far away — there shall be found proof.”

“Was this religion known in the time of Atlantis as the worship of the ‘God of One?’”

“Yes, but it is also known by another name. It was known by the religion they called [AThesis].” [Editor’s note: The recorded word was hard to hear. It may have sounded like, A Theosis? Could it have been, Osiris?]

“Remember, when thy translate from plane to plane, what was meant in one language is not meant in another.”

“Yes. Would it be best for me to continue to bring Ray into the hypnotic trance, or will it be better for [4–3–70–002] to bring him?”

“You shall be thy teacher, as I have told thee before. Therefore, at this time, it is better that thee should bring soul Ray into trance state.”

“Should I teach [4–3–70–002]?” [Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for the name spoken to respect privacy.]

“Yes, also, to each member of your disciples, as they come into the group each member should be taught.”

“All right.”

“For they need this for their own meditation.”


“Now, the meditation for this group as it is now, each shall meditate in his own way. But, they need the knowledge that thy have, stored.”

One of the brightest lights in the heavens of the century, newly discovered Comet Bennett passed over the Earth on March 26, 1970. See “We give this message from our Father”.

April 13, 1970: “I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?”

“For, in God’s plan — as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean — in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see.” [See The Revelation 6:3–4, and 19:11–16.]

“If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time.” [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

“Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years — and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

“Can you understand this?” [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8, 14, 19–22.]

“I can understand the block − that is very necessary. The Thirteen, I would like a little more explanation on….”

“When thy think of the number, Thirteen — Thirteen to God, [seven?] to God, and then there was four. And then we cast from thy heavens those who were not deserving. Yet this had to be restored.” [See The Revelation 4:5–8, and chapter 12.]

“So, in Christ’s time this was restored once again. But then, thy chain was broken once again.” [See John 12:18–35, 14:27–31, and Acts 1:15–26.]

Acts 1:15–26: “And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty), and said, ‘Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry.’…“For it is written in the Book of Psalms: “Let his dwelling place be desolate, and let no one live in it’; and, another take his office.” Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection.’ And they proposed two: Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed and said, ‘You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.’ And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles.” Pictured is a Medieval western illustration of the Pentecost from the Hortus deliciarum of Herrad of Landsberg (12th century).

“Now, we shall try and restore it once more on this plane of yours. Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more.” [See The Revelation 21:1–8, 21:22–27, and 22:6, 22:12–17.]

“Sometimes in my speech through soul Ray, return from my plane to his is sometimes hard for the souls of my plane and sometimes our speech will be as riddles. We do not mean it so. If, at any time, there is doubt, please ask of this doubt….”

“[On] our groups of thirteen, should this be patterned after the study group booklet set up by the Association for Research and Enlightenment after the Edgar Cayce Foundation theory?”

“Up to a certain point. Information on this subject will be given to you from time to time.

“This group you speak of is good. It has a small difficulty there. This is the problem which I have spoke before, of having not all souls in the work in accord with one another and in accord with the work of God. It is good to discuss; it is good to be critical, but — it is good to have doubt, but all souls must be in accord [at] each move.

“You should pick — at this time I would suggest yourselves to act as though what you would call on this plane as a club, with, uh, first, with president, vice president, secretaries and etc. — not meaning that one person of this group should be more important than the other, because every one of you are important as souls. Each should have the right to speak his mind openly and freely at all times on all subjects.

“Do not deny thyself any information from anywhere. At any time that you have questions ask of these questions. Study all phases of this. Some of you will be better in some subjects than others, but by being better, you will teach the others. And some, some souls who only have one teardrop to add will be loved in God’s eyes as much as the ones who shed many.

“Can you understand?”


“And, you spoke of the ending and the beginning of planes. I’m trying to put a picture together in my own mind. This beginning and ending of planes, or ending and beginning of planes, is this every 2,000 years, or approximately there, about?”

“No. The ending of the planes are when God may gather all of His children back to His mansion. A plane, as you speak of it, in itself, for one soul can last far beyond 2,000 years.”

“I see.”

“A plane, as I have spoke[n] before of the beginning, as I have spoke[n] before of ‘not one galaxy, but many, many, many galaxies, of many, many worlds, so vast, so beautiful, in God’s making,’ think thee of this.” [Editor’s note: Hear the message the first time this voice spoke through Ray’s unconscious body, on April 3, 1970.]

“Think of the souls who would repeat and repeat again.

“Think thee that some may never repeat. Some, on one plane, may accomplish God’s bidding, and go on to His mansion.

“Some, there is never; these souls are lost. They have no spirit to return to because in their life planes they have killed this spirit, so all was left was the soul to wander. There are some who live in your plane and walk upon your earth who walk with neither soul nor spirit. Beware of these souls, because they would destroy thee….

“You have another question in your mind, and you have another soul here with a question in his mind. Would he but ask?”

“I have a question from _____. She asks, ‘Why do I find it hard to apply myself spiritually as I would like to?’”

“(Chuckle.) On your plane, all of you, not only _____, but all of us who live upon your plane –– and I say it of myself because I am here right now — all of you find it hard sometime to think that you don’t spend enough time in meditation. As I have told you before, spend what time thy can.

“There are other things which need tending to too. And those are all part of God’s work. But spend a little of each day in meditation, and God — and God will come into thy mind more often than before….”

“Now, I have information which has been given me, and permission has been given for me to give this information. As I have spoke before of the great Sword, your group shall develop in many places across the world because your word and your work shall spread.

“You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid.”

Comet Bennett shone in the heavens throughout April 1970.

April 15, 1970, in an answer to a man about a dream, an important task for the group was given.

“Thy dream has been placed in thy mind for a purpose — part, as a warning, part to tell of our coming, to tell that you must be ready when we come, part so that you could teach, and that each of your group could teach, for this group shall walk in many faiths in many places…for the work that is at hand must be accomplished….

“Now, the time we have will be a shield, but listen to the tapes that you have made. Scribe them as a scribe would scribe into a book….It would be good to write your thoughts on each of these out — compiling them, looking at them, studying them — and then with this, God’s work may be more easily done.”

The tapes were transcribed and were called, the readings. (Click here to read them.) From these readings, books and pamphlets were written to share the teachings of the spiritual messengers of God.

How did the Association begin?

On May 15, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God guided those who were gathered to listen: “Yes, it has been suggested that following of what you would know as the church be formed.” (Hear this guidance.)

In 1972, Ministers were ordained at the first annual meeting of the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God. As more people began to come who were of different faiths, Aka suggested the name be changed to the Association of Universal Philosophy. which was incorporated on June 4, 1973. Ten years later, in December 1982, Ray Elkins built a place for the people of God to gather on a route then called Christmas Star. He dedicated it simply to God. The sign out front says, “All faiths welcome.” Here are many photos of the church over the years.

“Also, the meeting of once a week of thy group would be suggested.

“It has also been suggested that soul _____ should conduct the meetings and teach once a week. This should be suggested. He should teach each member of the group placing of soul Ray in a hypnotic trance.

In hypnosis, Ray would climb a stairway in spirit as the trance reading would begin. When he reached the last step to stand with God, Ray said the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, would pass him and go down the ladder in the same way he had come; they would then enter into his body to speak to us all. There’s actually a term, sleeping prophet, described here. Others are known to have done this too.

“Also, it should be suggested that the practicing of placing others beyond himself in hypnotic trance. There are many among you who could speak if you were given a chance, with proper preparation, for this. This work has been discontinued while soul Ray found himself once again, that all this work shall be in accord with God and His plan on earth.

“Therefore, I should suggest, or we should suggest that from this day forward, these meetings shall be conducted preferably on Saturday. [If] this is not advisable for all in your group, then it would be suggested that another date should be set.

The group chose Friday evenings at 8 p.m. to meet to listen to the teachings of the spiritual messengers of God speaking through Ray’s unconscious body. See What was it like to listen?

“Practicing of thy daily lives should be done from this day forward, that God may enter thy souls, thy spirits, for in God’s plan are many things which thy shall not understand at this time.

“This group should never deny anyone the chance, even if they come of idle curiosity; it [should] be suggested that this group should take this person under their wing, for as the great bird of the pyramid once flew, so should the souls of men fly.

“Now, with all in accord, and this is something that thy should think about — but pray at the end of each meeting that all members shall be in accord. In discussing, the discussion of this is good.

“As I have said before, it is not one man or one soul should shed but one tear, then it is progress in the right direction.

“But remember one thing, that love, love for thy fellow man and the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day. And if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it would give them food for thought, for thy Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.

“For now soul Ray sleeps and I may talk among you and walk among you. For even in the days when John the Baptist talked of the coming of Christ, so should thy talk of this, for thy are here to prepare a way that thy may do this. Thy shall be in God’s plan, for the building of a temple in God’s word, in God’s mind, should be all-important to all men and women of thy plane. If thy would remember this, and remember thy love for thy human being, there should be no need for material things, for all that thy should need shall come as raindrops, a drop at a time.

“Soul Ray sleeps now and I am here, for I am he and he is I. Remember one thing, that God is the one important of all our work, and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner.”

And so it was. The meetings at which the spiritual messengers of God spoke were held Friday evenings. For the next 19 years, from 1970 to 1989, their messages were recorded when they spoke through Ray. These were transcribed, printed and distributed to members. They were also saved as the Archives.

In the first year, 1970, the tape-recorded words that the spiritual messengers of God spoke were transcribed and published weekly, as they were given. This was to allow people to study their words and to discuss them in a group. They were also mailed out to let people who lived out of town read their messages. Answers to personal questions for help or healing and guidance were mailed to each individual to whom Aka spoke.

In 1971, the first issue of the newsletter was printed to share the readings with more people than could attend each trance session, but who wanted to know what Aka said. Some lived in Yuma, Arizona, and other cities.

In 1972, the newsletter was published monthly. It was named, “Rays of Philosophy.” Articles were added to discuss some highlights of what the messengers of God had said in the readings that month.

The newsletter began to be published monthly in 1972 with this issue. A visiting artist, Robin Anderson, drew this portrait of Ray Elkins. Those who join and become subscribing members of the Association of Universal Philosophy receive the 10-page newsletter every two months. Read some “Rays of Philosophy” here and also here.

May 21, 1970, a man asked: “Are we, are we coming to the end of the age? We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe you said, that Christ would rule for a thousand years — are we coming close to this time when this will take place?”

“Yes, you are close, but first, there must be a way made for him. For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen.” [See The Revelation 14:1–5, 14–20; 15:2–4; and chapter 19.]

“For this to be done, that, and for the coming of eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. If man is to heed thy word of God and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things, for is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him?

“For now, [your need, learn thee], and I shall give thee the name now of thy group, for yours shall be the philosophy, ‘the spiritual philosophy of God.’ This shall be the name of thy group.

“If during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation, and thinking of God and love, and each day thy could seek out one soul upon thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then God’s temple would slowly be built, and no more of God’s tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full.

“Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many — and God shall love thee the same.”

June 9, 1970: “Look within thyself… and think upon us and think upon God. We are not great; we only carry the message of God. This is a philosophy of man and a philosophy of God. This is why we’ve asked that thy would call thy group ‘the spiritual philosophy of God.’”

The spiritual messengers of God answered a woman: “For her, remember that God is with thee everywhere. It is not necessary to fall on your knees at a false altar. The altar of God is all around you. We shall help you if you will accept this help.”

June 12, 1970: “Remember, God has set no rules for [the] worshipping of Him — man has made those rules. God asks only that you love Him and love of thy brothers and sisters of this earth plane….

“And there is one among you who says, ‘Should I forsake my church that I belong to?’ Nay.

“For does not our Father have many mansions? Worship your God in thy own way.

“For we would say, it is better to worship God in an open field than it is to worship God, and not mean it. When thy pray, should thy recite something that someone else has thought that means nothing to you? Too often, man forgets that God loves thee.

“Too often, man would think, ‘Should I build a temple of material things to God, and buy His love?’ For, we would say to you, did not Jesus go to the temple in Jerusalem and cast out there the money lenders, and drive from the temple the animals who were there to be sold.

“And did he not say to them, ‘Destroy this temple, and I should build it back in three days?’

“Then, what did Jesus mean when he said of this? For the temple of God is in man. And no matter where Jesus went, the temple of God went with him.

“Each of you, in your own way, are God’s children. And He loves all of thee.

“When thy speak to thy Father, do not bow and scrape to Him. Walk up to Him with love in thy heart, and speak what is in thy heart, and God will listen. If thy speak what others have said, that meant something to them, but nothing to you, so, therefore, your prayer would be false.”

June 16, 1970: “It would be suggested that the group here tonight, and the groups that shall come, should first study our last four readings, and from this they shall learn more of what we would say.”

July 3, 1970: “It would be suggested that if thy would listen to the tapes that the group already has, thy would understand [of] what we have said.”

Study groups were held at Ray’s home in Globe, and in Yuma, Arizona, by the his inlaws and their friends who lived there. The tapes were played and discussed. Three or four readings were mailed at a time to members who lived too far to drive from other cities to attend the study groups at Ray’s house.

July 11, 1970: “Now, we have told thee before of the coming of the great Sword — the Sword that would cut of two sides. Now the Sword shall strike, very soon. For this is all in God’s work. For those here and the other groups, there is no fear. Can thy understand this?” [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation, chapters 5–8 and 19.]

July 12, 1970: “Now, soul Peter, with this in mind, remember, as thy build — for remember once before, once before Christ said, ‘Upon this rock I shall build my church,’ he did not mean a great building, he meant the kingdom of God in man.

“Now soon, you will find it necessary that a larger meeting place shall be needed. These raindrops we have seen and we shall provide thee with the necessary tools. But as [has] been said before, have faith and thy may walk on the water with us.

“And we say, soul John, have faith, even though thy catch of the blood. These things are dear too.

“For you — and as we say, you, we mean all of you — shall build God’s kingdom on earth.

“And by building on earth, so shall it be in heaven; and then my Father and yours may bring His children home to His many mansions. Remember, my Father loves you, and He sheds tears; yet, He laughs with you, and cries.

“Now, we should tell thee of thy prayers. And by telling you of thy prayers, thy may understand. If a man should lose his arm and pray for guidance that he may learn to use his other hand in place of two, then we and our Father should send those who have lost their hands to teach this man how to use one hand in place of two. Can you understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Therefore, there are many questions on thy minds at this time. We wish very much to answer all your questions, that thy may understand. But at this time, there are other things that must come first; can thy understand this?”


“Now, in the next 10-year period, eruptions shall occur across the face of the earth, which shall be the other side of the Sword, the great Sword, for it has begun to cut and slice, as we have said before. Now, as we have said before, for those who walk in God’s light, fear not, for God walks with thee. And remember, man may hurl stones at thy body or even kill it, but they cannot destroy thy spirit or thy soul. Can thy understand of which we speak?”


“Then, of what thy think, and as what has been told before, shall be not of the same. The earth shall rise and fall again. Where no water flows, water shall flow. Where no land has been for many thousands of years, land shall appear again.

“Now we would tell you one other. Very soon, entries of another world shall make themselves known upon your world. They shall not try — they will come peacefully to offer your world the gifts of love of theirs. This is all part, as we have said before, of God’s plan. That is why this work, the accepting of those who come from the heavens and those who emerge from the earth — you will be the ones who emerge from the earth, they will be the ones who emerge from the sky — at this time, the whole earth shall bow before Christ, for they shall know of Him. And there shall be the end of one karma and the entering of another. To save this world of yours, that God loves, this work must go on. It is very important at this time that it reach every living soul on this earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Nay, thy do not fully understand. But think upon it. And tonight as thy should sleep, think upon God, and think upon us, and we should make ourselves known to all of thee.

“[Then] now, remember one other thing. We realize that in thy daily lives thy tempers in the locale that thy are might be inclined to grow short with each other, that thy may say things that thy do not mean. First, we would say this, forgive thy brothers and sisters of this plane. Love them. Do unto others as thy wish done unto thee. For remember — and this we should repeat — what thy do unto others shall be done unto thee, even to the speaking of words. For what thy do not realize, thy minds are much stronger than thy realize. We have made them so, especially of this group. Your minds shall grow even stronger yet. Be careful of thy thoughts, that harm may come to someone because of them. For each of this group’s minds shall develop far beyond your wildest dreams.

“We would say, can thy understand this, but we know at this time thy do not….

“Remember, there is great work here.

“We will expect great things from each of you. But remember, each one of you will stumble.

“Another will bend and help his brother up again, and his sister up again. You shall cast stones at each other. And before the end you shall denounce us. We know this. But in the end, you will know of us and love us because we are from your Father and we love you — not as much as our Father, though we wish we could, for there is no love anywhere like our Father’s love. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Nay. Thy soon will….Before three days of thy calendar have passed we should come again. There is more — important messages for thee. Can thy understand this?”


“But before this — tonight, form thee a club. Permanent records must be kept. Can thy understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”

Permanent records of the recorded words that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke through their unconscious instrument, Ray Elkins, from 1970 to 1989 are being kept in archives. One way they are preserved and also shared is by publishing the words the spiritual messengers of God have spoken in books. See “Words from Heaven to You.

The spiritual messengers of God said, on July 15, 1970: “We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know of the love of our Father, and by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all men of all religions should come to our Father together in peace and love.”

August 3, 1970: “As we have said, love, love of thy fellow man, unselfish love, and if your world could learn to love one-tenth, and know one-tenth of the love of our Father, that’s all that would be necessary for the saving of your world. Without this, your world shall destroy itself; your people shall destroy themselves. But they cannot destroy God’s children on this world of yours, for there is no way for another man to destroy the soul and the spirit that grows toward God. Only the man himself may do this.

“Can you understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Then, with this knowledge that we have given you, go forth upon your earth and cast your stone into the brooks, that they may flow into the rivers, and that the rivers may flow into your ocean and spread to the many lands. If thy may do this, God shall walk with thee in all thy days upon this plane, and the knowledge of where you have been shall be before you, and the knowledge of where you are going shall be before you. For we have said before, we are here to prepare a way — and in preparing this way, we should bring God’s children back to His many mansions. Can thy understand this?”

The spiritual messengers of God spoke, August 24,1970: “Remember, we are here to prepare a way for the Messiah. And as, as those before were called Essene, they were known as those of the time of waiting. We have called this group the philosophy, the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

“Now there are others groups, as thy would know them. One of these groups are known as the A.R.E. group. Very soon they shall become part of this work. And this, at this time, we shall say, is good.”

The messengers of God said, September 10, 1970: “Now the angels wait above thy earth, and what has been written shall be. Your earth shall change its form, for the great Sword shall strike upon it, of both sides, and now is the battle of the minds of men….

“Remember, your greatest work is to unite all your religions into one — and, by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that you, and that man, should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such a way that each of you may enter your Father’s many mansions in his own way. But your love for your fellow man will be such that, even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you should help him to enter; therefore, you shall put him above the ladder, above yourself. And by doing so, you should climb tenfold.” [Listen here.]

September 25, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God said: “As we have said before, our Lord, God, asks but two things of man: to love of Him into one-tenth of that that the Lord gives unto His children, to love unto his fellow man in the same manner….

“Thy have asked, are thy Christians? And we should answer in this manner: you are the people and the children of God — and for all those, regardless of what word they should call themselves, who should bow before God and give reverence unto the same.

“We have told thee before, do not confuse this one that is called Jesus, the Christ, with your God, for he was put before man by God. And the Lord said unto this one, ‘GO INTO MY PEOPLE; GO IN PURE FORM. GIVE THEN UNTO MY WORDS FOR THIS TIME.’ And so he did unto which he was told. And he did give glory unto his Lord.

“And now we say unto thee, we give unto thee a new coveth for your time. This is to add to what you have, already possess. As has been said before, we come not to change the prophecies, we come not to change the laws, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

“If one should ask thee, ‘’What are thy called?’ tell them you are the people of God. Should they ask further, ‘Are thy a Christian? Are thy a Buddha, or are thy Mohammed,’ say, ‘Yes, I and we are all of these.’

“We do not mean that you shall all be — become as one, only your love for your Father shall be as one. This time shall come about as your religions realize that each person has the right to worship his Father in his own way. Our Father intended this; this is why we have said before, ‘of His many mansions.’”

November 16, 1970: “Aka, the children, or young adults…they would all like to know if they have a specific purpose in this group, that they can have something that they can do so that they can carry on as the adults do in this work.”

“Yes, we see thy need, and this is good. And we say, as we have said before, walk thee in thy own footsteps. Form thee, as thy would know it, a youth group. Do you think our Father would close the door to you? Nay, our Father shall go with thee and bless thee.

“There are many of thy own age of many faiths who should drink of this wine. Remember, where we are, where we come from, as you would say, there is no time and no age. Therefore, a child may be the wisest of all. Take thy place and speak thy minds, but learn first. In being a student, thy can become a teacher.

“Can thy understand of which we speak?”


“Nay. Nay, then we would say in a different way. Each night that thy would meet, form thee questions that thy have in thy mind to answer. We should come and answer these. Take thee of the readings and study of the same. For one night, each shall become a teacher, and the rest should become a student. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not fully, but thy shall, soon. And we leave thee with this message. Before thy slumber upon this night, meditate upon God, our Father, and think thee of the words of Aka, that we may enter and give thee blessings.”

Jean_II_Restout_-_Pentecôte illustrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Pentecostal experience. “Open the door tht we my enter, and therefore, there can be place prepared within you, each of you, for his (the Messiah’s) coming. But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born,” the spiritual messengers of God said, December 29, 1972.

February 19, 1971: “We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond.” [See Acts, chapters 1–2.]

“We have told you before that thy time should grow short. We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

“Now we tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Nay, not fully.

“Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun. Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds.” [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

“But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

“As we have told thee before and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother, but be prepared to forgive yourself that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, ‘The first shall be last and the last shall be first.’ Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

“Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah.

“We should say one more word. Add this to your name. Place the word of ‘Association’ before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another. Work together. Listen to each other.

“If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered.” [Editor’s note: the word, association, takes on new meaning as one reads these words.]

March 15, 1971: “Now we would say unto soul Ruth, fear not, for as thy journey we shall journey with thee. Take of this work, for remember, thy are our disciple and wherever thy travels shall take thee we should go with thee. Speak of this work freely. And now we should give thee a task, in the readings as in the name we have given you for the ‘Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God,’ therefore, you should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings, separate the life readings from the medical readings, but combine all three into one writing, yet make three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?”


“This task shall be laborious, but remember of these words, our time grows short, for now is the time of the Cherub.” [See the BOOK with Wings that was finally completed 46 year later. Aka’s words, spoken when they first came and began to form the Associaion, have served to guide us well throughout the years. Both they, and their written words, continue to do so.]

“Ask thy other question.”

“Ray also asks how we can best distribute the information from the readings to people outside our group?”

“We have given this task to soul Ruth. Once readings have been written down, then there is the one known as soul Jeannie. For the present time, she should work with this soul and soul Luke.

“These shall be [made?], to take three readings as a time, compose them into booklet form, placing these in the small local bookstores, as you would call them, at a price that would give unto this organization one-tenth above the cost.

“Can thy understand of which we have said?”


January 1, 1972: “And we shall say again, for hark. For those who have ears to listen, and for those who have faith, both in their selves and in God, our Father, let them bring the bread that is needed, and the bread shall be the body of the same. And let them pray over it, and ask for healing of the same. And the healing shall be given, for as we have said before, we shall furnish the wine that is needed, and we shall turn the bread into yeast, that the healing may grow outward and inward….

“We see thy other needs and the needs of thy group, and we should say, yes, upon this. We should change but one thing. Thy instrument shall be called of the prophet of the same.

“We see thy other needs, and the needs of the financial of the same, and we would say unto thee in these words, as we have said before. For as in the beginning, we did say unto thee these words, the material things that shall be needed for this work shall come unto thee as they are needed. But ask of thy needs, not of thy wants. For within thy group, as things are needed, pray upon them, and we shall see that they are provided.

“We have given unto those who should believe and have faith the help that is needed, both of the material things and the spiritual things. But as we have said before, we ask but one thing in return. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Let this flow forward, and let the spirits of Aka enter into thy minds, that we may guide thee; for all thy must do for our presence to be with thee is but ask….

“Thy have other questions, ask.”

“Yes, Aka, only for the sake of clarification for others not present here, but I believe it is clear that you mean that the Articles of Incorporation are acceptable, except that you would like our instrument termed, the prophet. Is this correct?”

“Yes, we see thy need….

“And remember, unto all, for our Father says unto thee, ‘HARK,’ and hear our words. We have brought before thee the Book with wings.”

Why might the spiritual messengers of God would call their words and spiritual gift of greater life that accompanies their words by this name? Has this been said before? In the prophet, Moses’ time, God spoke “from between the two cherubim” with outstretched wings on the Ark’s cover. The cherubim served God as His spiritual messengers. (See Exodus 25:18–22.)

Exodus 25:20–22: “And the cherubim shall stretch out their wings above, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and they shall face one another; the faces of the cherubim shall betoward the mercy seat. You shall put the mercy seat on top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the Testimony that I will give you. And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim which are on the ark of the Testimony, about everything which I will give you in commandment….”

Moses was also told to made seven lampstands as God had shown him on the mountain. These are also described in Exodus 25:31–40.

The first Annual Meeting of the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God was held May 10, 1972, in Globe Arizona. The spiritual messengers of God instructed that candelabras be given as the seven ministers were ordained, including Ray. Each was given a seven-candlestick candelabra, signifying the light of the seven spirits of God within. (See Exodus 25:31–40 and The Revelation, chapter 4–5.)]

The Miracle of the Candelabra — One of the first ministers to be ordained tells of a miracle she experienced. She had been unable to find any seven-candlestick candelabras to provide for the first Annual Meeting. She’d looked in Globe, in Phoenix, in Tucson. She’d searched through catalogs, calling stores and distributors. But none were to be found. The meeting was approaching. On a Saturday, she’d called a catalog number in Los Angeles. The man who answered said they were closed that day, and to call back during the week since he was the janitor, and couldn’t find any. Disheartened, she’s thanked him. She knew nothing more to do, except to pray. She’d been unable to find any seven-candle candelabras for the Annual Meeting. But just the day before the meeting, a mysterious package arrived on Ray Elkins’s front porch. It had no return address. No bill was enclosed. In the box were 13 seven-branched candelabras! Had they been provided by God? The spiritual messengers of God have promised to provide for the needs, but not the wants, of this work.

The story of this miracle is also told on page 6 of the AUP MAY-JUN 2018 “Rays of Philosophy.

January 15, 1972: “Each man upon your earth shall worship his God in his own way. But he should do so in the privacy of his own heart and mind.”

February 4, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God said: “We are here to prepare a way….But first, they must prepare this way within themselves.”

December 9, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God answered: “We are many. We have come unto many throughout the time of times — for where we dwell there is no time, and where we dwell there is no form. We came upon the earth, this you should call of your home, in the beginning.”

December 15, 1972. “In some places we have built whole universes, in others, but small souls.

“Yet all was mighty in the eyes of our Father. For…we stand as close to our Father as His eyes, His ears, and His heart; yet, we do so in humble reverence of our holy Father.” [See The Revelation 5:5–14.]

December 29, 1972: “Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. First, of your question, Soul Peter − your question is that of the coming of the Messiah, and we should answer first in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus, and that of the preparation for the entry of those who had reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state, and through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah.

“You asked that he should come walking from the clouds, and we shall answer your question in this manner. When he should first appear unto the Jewish people, and they shall see him first, he shall be standing upon a cloud, and the Jewish nation in their despair shall kneel before him. This was meant so that that that had been written should be fulfilled, and as we have said before, written upon the clouds, written upon the sky, our Father shall make known of this entry in this way.” [See Acts 1:1–12]

“But he should come unto the body form, for is it not written also that that that does not know of earth can not know of Heaven? And those who do not know of Heaven can not know of earth? For he should come to lead you through your thousand years of peace upon your earth.

[Listen to these recorded words.] “The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming.

“But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born. Look within your book of Revelation, and you shall see of the same.

“But hark unto these words, our Father has written only upon the tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given and the gift that was given in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words − we have come for this time. We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, ‘Send those who know you best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s word should not be misinterpreted….’ [See John 14:15–21 and John 15:9–27.]

“And we should say unto you that as your vows are taken, and those that are yet to take these vows, take of them now and study them. Make certain within yourselves that once your promise has been made that you can give that unto your Father that shall be His.

“But we say unto you, take these before you and read them aloud unto yourselves. Seek out the meaning of the words that were given. They were not idle words to be recited, but they were the words of our Father unto you. And we should say unto you − and for those who should seek to change of this, woe, woe unto you, for our Father’s wrath is mighty.”

February 16, 1973: “Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call?…”

“We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner…. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

“The monetary values which they have laid forth should be returned. A listing of your membership should be submitted unto your national organization, but in a separate manner. Let all of your membership come unto one house — not two divided, but one house. This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God. We say in this manner, according to the laws of your land, dissolve your charters. Soul Ray, as your spiritual leader, should have the right unto himself to write and attend to the needs of his ministers at any time….

“Yes, Aka. What did the meteorite of January 7th symbolize that we saw?”

“We shall answer in this manner. Your meteorite of January 7th [1973] was a sign from the heavens of the completion and the new cycle of this work. It is telling you, in part, now is the time of the Cherub; complete your book with utmost haste. You shall receive another sign in short period. This shall be seen by all. And when you see it you shall know the meaning of the same.

“You have other questions, ask.”

“Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you tell us more of the priests of the Mathotoc?’”

“Yes, we see thy need. These, within the same, are part of the White Brotherhood. And as we have formed priesthood within your group, so should you be members of the same….

“We should leave you with these parting words. If a soul that has become lost should look and see his Father’s light and rejoin his spiritual form, then God should accept the same. But let these lost souls show proof, both to God and to you, God’s children….


“And we should say unto you in this manner, should you be attacked, it shall be because of these weapons.”

Moses brings the tablets from the mountain on which G-d wrote the Ten Commandments, in a covenant in which He became their God, and they became His people.

Aka spoke, April 27, 1973, with guidance before the second annual meeting of the Association: “Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner.

“No one can take from thee thy own free will. This was given from the High One, the Lord, our Father. Therefore, we may only suggest and give guidance into thy paths.

“And we shall answer your question in this manner. That of the spiritual work, we have given unto thy hands this one thy call the prophet. Therefore, the ministers and the teachers should serve under the direction of the prophet.

“Your board of directors should henceforth take upon themselves the handling of the business affairs of your organization. We do not mean this in a manner that should take from this one his right to vote upon issues that he feels within himself a necessity. But let this come forward in a spiritual manner.

“Your garden has been weeded. Your future now lies full and complete. As we have told you in the beginning, the material things that are needed shall be provided as raindrops. The spiritual things that are needed shall come until your cups shall runneth over. All you must do is ask.

“Your land lies rich with flowers, and as the earth awakens unto the glory of God, He has placed these flowers at your feet that you should see the bountiful needs of the earth. We shall lay upon the land a cleansing. And the cleansing should come unto your government, that your land shall be of the people, by the people, before God, in a righteous manner. These things shall be done, and the earth shall be handed back into your hands.

“We have done that that has been necessary in the preparation, and we shall continue. You should do that that is necessary for the preparation, for we have given you the wine and the bread.

“Must we also provide the yeast?

“And for those who should doubt unto the words that we have spoken, let them too look at the flowers that we have placed at their feet.

“We came and gave you a sign in the heavens upon our arrival. Now we give you a sign upon the earth of beauty. Give this beauty from your souls, that others may see the flowers also. Let each of you in your own manner come into your May meeting as a new beginning and a new birth. Come there with hope and happiness within your hearts. Show this into others. Let this be a festival occasion for all.” [Editor’s note: The May meeting of which Aka was speaking was the second Annual Meeting of the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God, that the Association was called up until then.]

May 11, 1973: “Give thanks unto thy Father, and be not afraid to speak unto Him, for He loves all of His children.”

June 8, 1973: “Give that unto your Lord that is praise. Give that unto your Lord that is your sorrow. Give that unto your Lord that is happiness. Open your doorway and let the Lord share all things, and thy shall never walk alone, for in your hour of desperation you shall reach within that quiet place that the eternal candle shall burn, and therefore, find the Lord within.”

June 23, 1973: “Speak unto your Father as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, your Father shall listen.”

August 17, 1973: “And now we say unto thee these words. Those who are members of the Board of Trustees, come forth one unto another. We have said unto that unto which we wish be done unto those of your Bylaws. When we said unto thee, written material, this included that of the same. For a soul to grow it cannot be placed in a cage, that souls who are bound together in a common cause they must be able to walk as one. We have said before, we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. What the Lord has giveth, the Lord may taketh away. Call your Board of Trustees together that all may be in accord. We have told you before that where harmony cannot prevail we cannot reside.”

Ray Elkins stands outside of a bookstore in Phoenix in 1973 before giving a lecture, and then healing many individuals that afternoon.

In 1973, Ray also began to teach in lectures, and to give radio and television appearances in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. Through the years, Ray’s lectures continued, expanding to New Mexico, Texas and California.

New study groups began in other cities.

During a lecture in Phoenix, Arizona, October 27, 1973, a person asked, “Am I doing what I should be doing with my life, vocational and personal life?”

“Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your direction has been good.

“But we should answer further in this manner. As we have said before, we are here but for one purpose. That in itself is for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

“In the beginning of our coming, we did say unto these words — form, therefore, a group. Call of thyselves unto the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Form not unto thee a church, for the church of God should dwelleth in man. Take no man from his religion, but replace that which he has lost and send him back unto his churches. Bring forth, therefore, philosophy and knowledge.

“And this we should say unto you. For the way to be prepared, it should take of many hands, hands that are willing to work, hands that are willing to carry a yoke of love unto other of mankind.

We did not promise an easy way. We said only that we would provide for the needs of those who were willing to work — not the wants.

“We also said that we would provide for the material things that were needed to carry on this work, but not the wants.

“And, take from the philosophy that we have given; study it. Find, therefore, unto thyself that of wisdom or that of false. But seek and you shall receive. Open the door and we shall enter, for we shall provide the bread and the wine if you shall provide the yeast.”

December 7, 1973: “And now we should answer your questions that lie within your minds.

“And first we should say, of your group form, you have pursued that within thyselves of giving unto others, and doing so in a non-profit way. Thy group has suffered that which would be known as growing pains. Yet, as we have said before, we should provide thy needs and not thy wants. And therefore, that that is needed shall be placed before you. Take therefore, and pursue farther your need, as a non-profit organization, and fear not, for we shall stand with thee.

“For each of you we have handed a staff….

“Then we should go farther into thy thoughts in thy mind. For many shall come forth unto our instrument for healing. If those that should come forth, let them come forth in faith, and the healing they should seek shall be given, and it shall be given in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father.

“And for those who have traveled far, the gift they seek shall be given, according to their faith. Therefore, we say unto thee, take this night for prayer and meditation that by morn thy soul, thy inner self, shall be prepared for the healing that shall be given into the body. But take forth more than just the healing of the body. Take forth the light that has been lit deep in your mind, that it may be carried through all the days of thy life and be shared with others. And that that thy shall receive thy shall give unto others.

“We shall go further into the thoughts of thy mind. New areas shall be opened in your television, in your newspapers, in your radio media. The words shall be spoken and shall not be silenced. Therefore, unto all who seek the betterment of mankind, let them come forward.

“For those who should have thoughts of soul Ray’s health, we have said before, we have laid before him a task, a task of God’s work. It shall come before all others. And for those who should fear death unto him, death shall not come until the task has been fulfilled. Yet he is a man and flesh.

“We shall go further into thy minds. Thy have thought within thy mind of the storing and the preparation of your food substance for the time of the famine. We shall answer in this manner. We have told you before to provide for your family, but your family shall be of great multitude, for each within itself shall be brother and sister. Cast aside within thyselves, and act in accord with God, and you shall find the answer, therefore, within yourselves….

Comet Kohoutek was discovered on March 7, 1973. It drew closest to the Sun near Christmas, December 24, 1973. Aka said it was a remnant of the former planet, Yahweh, from which man came to Mars, then Earth, after it was destroyed in a Great War, and part became the asteroid belt. The spiritual messengers of God say that when they came, the sons of God brought the karma of war upon the earth. It is the hope now to bring peace upon the Earth — the long awaited thousand years of peace (as God counts), and the coming of the Messiah. “We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.” “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” The comet’s next appearance will be in about 75,000 years.

“In all of your minds is the question of the great comet, Kahoutek, or the comet, Yahweh, for they are both of the same. Much as a ship should sail and touch each port across the universes and universes, so this shall be. Some ships carry upon them without knowing it deadly diseases, and therefore, by entering the port leave behind that that they carry that has not been good for mankind.

“Yet, they leave behind them not all of bad things. Eruptions shall come upon thy earth. A changing of time shall come forth. But if man is wise, he may take advantage of that that he had been forewarned of and use it for his own discretion. Do so with the events that are setting forth.

“You asked for a way that man, all of man across your mighty earth, could see for themselves the changing of times and a cleansing of the world. Therefore, we have brought forth that of the old karma that was once before carried unto your earth in a different manner. Let none that see and feel and hear deny that that lies before them.

“Yet there will be some who will not see nor hear nor feel. But blessed be the ignorant, for they know not better of their acts. Yet karma is karma, and each shall judge within themselves.

“And each karma shall build into a new karma until that that is laid before them shall be as that of their nose. But do not cut off thy nose to spite thy face.”

February 22, 1974: “You have within your minds that unto which to do of your organization, and we should say unto you, do nothing. Stand aside and we shall do that that is necessary to be done. We have given you a structure and a way. Remember the miracle of the candelabras. And so it shall be once again.”

On June 1, 1974, Ray told those who had come to his house to listen to the spiritual messengers of God speak through him in a trance reading, “Well, this organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy. If you can take any part of it and add it to that that you already have, then you’ve grown from it. And it’s not up to one person to say, “This is the way, the full meaning of each reading.” I think that it’s up to each individual in their own individual way, upon hearing the reading, they interpret it themselves to fit their own needs. And they take the philosophy into their own lives and put it to use. And this is way I wanted it to be. I think maybe this is the way God wanted it to be.”

August 2, 1974, Globe, Arizona: “And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For as river should flow, so should your time of change come forward, one unto another. In the beginning we gave of thee a name for thy organization, that of ‘the Spiritual Philosophy of God.’ Now we should give unto thee a new name, for now is a new time, that thy messages should flow unto the universe, and be accepted unto all faiths, of all religions. That the brook may flow, as our Father’s spirits unto the ocean, we say unto you, unto this manner. From this day forward thy name shall be the Universal Philosophy, ‘the Association of the Universal Philosophy.’

“Can thy understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka. What about our corporation, Aka?”

“You shall change of the name of the same, and it shall flow with the words we have given unto thee, for there is a time and a purpose for all things, and we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“Your Book and all material shall carry the name of the same. Your newsletter form shall be called the “Rays of Philosophy.”

“And now we say unto you, as the Rose without Thorns has been prepared, and therefore, now ready to flow, we should add unto thy task yet another burden. But it shall be a burden of love, for thy shall call of it A Psychic Gift before the Dawn. And thy say unto us, why, therefore, such as this a name? We say unto thee, what is in a name but words? If the words should cometh together and have meaning, then they should cometh as bread and all shall take of it. But let each man take of it in his own manner.

“As the bread is provided, let it, therefore, flow unto the universes and universes beyond.

“Your times are changing. Change with them. Be as an open doorway that much knowledge may flow through you. Yet, as we have said before, we shall go before you and prepare the way. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

“For as man was brought forth upon the many planetary systems, above and beyond your universe and universes, he was but the thought of man, yet the thought of God. And therefore, he came forth in a special form, and God looked upon man and He said, ‘AND THEY SHALL BE OF OUR KIND, OF OUR IMAGE, AND IT SHALL BE GOOD.’ And as the Seven Spirits created the heavens and earth — and therefore, God blew life into man, and that life was the soul — and the body formed, therefore, from the dust, that that you would know of cosmic energy — and so it was.

“Yet, as man emerged from the dust, that he should rule above his domain, God placed within him all things of His likeness, the abilities that he could move mountains with his mind. But yet, He placed within his mind the knowledge that a mountain moved without reason was a useless thing.

“And yet, as man came forth upon the earth, and as day by day he should use mechanical means in the place of his own mind, these abilities began to waste away, back unto the dust that they had come from.



“Yet we say unto you, the years of darkness can appear, the Seventh Seal can be opened, as we have said before, and we have been tolerant in each of the things we have placed before you. For humility is that that you must learn, as the Lord, God, has learned it from His children. For how many times has the Lord, God, said unto His children, ‘COME FORTH.’ And how many times have His children promised false promises unto Him. Yet, God in his humility has granted your prayers, has brought forth that that thy have wished, and asked for so long.

“The Lord, God, has placed into your keeping that of a prophet. And after him shall come your new Messiah. But he shall not be new upon your earth, for he has walked it before. And he so loved it that he left his blood upon your earth.

“You say unto yourselves, now that you have completed the book, the Rose without Thorns, that it should soon be behind thee, yet it is just as a beginning. For now, the rose shall blossom and come into fullness. And for each rose that is taken, another shall be placed in its place. For the rose shall be as the stalk, and the stalk shall be as the roots, and the roots shall be as God….”

Many books followed A Rose without Thorns. See them here.

December 18, 1974: “We have brought forth A Rose without Thorns. We have laid it before you. We have also laid before you the miracle of the candelabra.

“If a child should walk the path across the river, and at the end of the path find many paths reaching out and try to follow them all, the child shall become confused and falter and have to start all over again. Choose but one; follow it. The choosing of one does not mean you relinquish the love and friendship of others.

“You have joined hands unto the Spiritual Philosophy of God. You will soon be changed unto the Universal Philosophy, meaning of the same.

“Look forth into the miracle of the candelabra, the meaning of the same, and your day shall come when you shall drink from the cup that should be handed unto you by the Eagle….

“But we should say unto _____ and unto the wife of the same, _____, we say unto you, as you have become students, so you should become teachers. And remembering that a teacher should be no greater than the pupil….We should ask you to venture forth unto this land for a short while, and establish a new group form and study form. We would instruct all of the teachers, ministers, and the prophet to assist you. The urgency should grow very soon. There should be those there that you should teach that they may, in the time ahead, go forth in the light of the Lord.”

In 1974, the name was changed from the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God to the Association of Universal Philosophy as people began to come from many faiths. The Association of Universal Philosophy was incorporated in Arizona as a non-profit religious, philosophical and educational organization, and a Board of Directors was formed. The Association office was opened in Globe, Arizona, next door to Ray’s house and his healing clinic. Many people came to Ray for guidance or healing, for the spiritual messengers of God had provided a way for this to be given through Ray in his waking state, as well. This was to provide for the needs of the people who asked for healing of the body, soul, and spirit — as more and more came.

Those who became members live in many places throughout the world. All members received the bimonthly newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy.”

Here is the August 1974 issue of the “Rays of Philosophy” published when these words were spoken. Like the Association, it has changed and grown through the next 47 years.

A year later in the fall, Ray began teaching a course on parapsychology at the nearby Gila Pueblo College. August 2, 1975, Aka said: “You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet not enough.

“We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions, should be necessary.

“If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your mind in such a manner that as one twig should stand it can be broken easily, but if many stand together it cannot be broken at all.”

See the Parable for the Time of Preparation. In Ray’s parapsychology classes, Ray began to teach how to project or send energy. This could be used to accomplish a task one visualizes, especially when a group joins together in accord. Much more can be donein prayer when one draws from spirit God sends.

August 20, 1975: “We shall answer your question in this manner. That the world know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should bring forth a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth, only as those of true spirits rise and come forth into their own house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other in the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

“We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail in our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has planted upon your earth….

“So we should say unto you, bring forth in a task of learning ….

“When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves a group, and did say unto them that they should be known as the ‘Spiritual Philosophy of God.’ And then as the brook should flow, we said unto them, turn unto a new group and it should be called the ‘Universal Philosophy.’ And so it was done.

“And we did say unto them, prepare a Teachers’ Course for the teaching of new ministers.

“We did say unto them, take no man nor woman from their religion. This should be found and added to the works thy already have, that what we have brought forth, and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, we have come for this time, for the time unto which you live now, for the time you are in, for the next 2,500 years.

“If our work is accomplished your world shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count. Each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be transformed by the hand of the Lord, and a new earth and a new heaven shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a king, not as punishment — as love. And for those who have not been changed at that time, and all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have another chance, the choice to enter this new heaven and earth.

“For the earth again shall be a heaven….”

A person asked the spiritual messengers of God: “Spirit has revealed many things and helped me to develop and use my God-self in differentways. Now I stand at several crossroads. Can you tell me what pathway is best for me to take and manifest in order to help myself and others in our future growth?”

“We shall answer your question in this manner. Within each person there is a quiet place within their mind. Should they look, they shall find a quiet pool and a candle that burns within. If thy enter this place in pureness of heart….This is what you call the answers of the spirit.

“We say unto you, should a man lose his hand, and pray unto the Lord, God, that he may use the other hand in the place of two, those from both sides that have lost a hand shall be sent forth to assist him. When he has learned to use his hand, the one hand in place of two, his needs will not stop there. Then there will be more knowledge, therefore, new guides shall be sent forth, this cycle of ever-changing progress.

“In the preparation for the work at hand, we have much that we should offer, but remember, we can do nothing without our Father, and yours. We do not sleep, and therefore, nothing is hidden or covered for our purpose in mind, before our eyes. We are not one, for we are twelve, and the Thirteenth is the Lord, our Father.

“I am but the spokesman. At one time, long ago, I walked upon this earth of yours. Now I walk upon galaxies and universes. When I walked upon the earth, I thought that the earth was all there was. Yet in my heart I knew differently….

“Listen well unto our words. At first you would think that we spoke unto you as riddles. We did not, for there is much truth and knowledge within the words we have spoken. Look deep within, for you have long awaited them. We see the Eagle flying once again in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah….

“We should say unto you, the Lord, our God, has prepared a way for the coming of the Messiah….

“For the lands that shall be touched, we shall provide for their needs — not for their wants, but for their needs.

“If one should touch ten, and then shall touch a hundred, and a hundred shall touch a thousand, and a thousand shall touch a million, and so on, then the work can progress only in that manner.

“When this task is completed unto the earth, for those who should remain to you shall see a part of themselves. As they see an inward part, that should add to their wealth of knowledge and comfort of soul, then they should enter.

“The healing that has been brought about through the knowledge implanted in soul Ray’s mind is a gift of God from His hands and mind.

“Journey as you know it, without fear, with the knowledge that wherever you journey you can never go so far that in your thoughts we are not with you….

“You have long wondered why we should send our instrument here, to work in this land, in this place.” [Note: Globe, Arizona.]

“We sent him forth that you might see the gift that God should hand unto the earth.”

September 17, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee the Parable of the Earth, and its Being.

For as God sent the Seven Spirits unto the Earth, and after much toil upon their part, the Earth was created, and all those things of their kind was placed upon the Earth. And man did come upon the Earth.

And as time passed, and as the Seven Spirits did see unto the folly of man, they did meet together and say unto themselves, “Why has the Lord, our God, created us? And why has He sent us forth to create, under His instruction, all of these things, [that] this man, as He calls him, who resembles us, who is of our kind — yet the folly of him? The Lord has sent teachers unto the Earth of their kind, yet they see them not. Instead they look for sensationalism. They look [with] things that are shrouded by many words. They look for the mystery of all things, and hidden meanings. Yet what the Lord, the Lord has placed before them is in the simplest form. Why should the Lord continue with such as thy?”

They thought long as they observed the Earth. “We have placed a balance unto the earth, a balance of life, and man has continued to change this balance. We have placed a balance into the earth’s form, and man in his quest has continued to change this. Even the things we have placed into the outer atmosphere to protect man, he wishes to change this. Where [would] he stop in his heaven and earth?”






But still they stood, and they said, “But look Lord, You have sent unto the land Your first begotten son, and they have crucified him. And You now plan that the Earth should be chosen again for the birth and return of the Messiah. And You have sent your masters forth to prepare the way. Yet look, Lord, look as they prepare the way. Their own apostles have turned against them. Their own apostles have decided that their thoughts are the only thoughts. And the apostles fight among themselves. Little has changed since the time of Jesus and this time. Little has changed since you did send John the Baptist forth to prepare the way, and he was betrayed and his head severed and fed to the dogs. You, oh, Lord, have asked much of us. But You ask much of the ones You asked to prepare the way. Where is the justice in this?”





And the Seven Spirits said unto the Lord, “That we may learn, that we may serve, let us go forth and enter into the twelve as You do enter, and it shall become Thirteen.”


Comet Bennett passed closest to Earth when many were reading Jesus’ farewell words, March 26, 1970. With this brightest llight in the heaven that decade, the spiritual messengers whom Jesus asked the Father to send arrived upon Earth. They began to speak through the unconsious Ray Elkins on April 3, 1970. “We have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

And as they entered, and as the Council began the pilgrimage upon your Earth upon the day in your year of 1970, April the 3rd, the Council did break through and become known.

And then one, and then all of the spirits did say unto the Lord, “Look, oh, Lord, for ministers are coming forth. Yet, each of them shall betray him in their lifetime. And each of them shall go forth. Yet he knows this; why does not he act?”

And the Lord, God, said, “PATIENCE UNTO THEE, AND WATCH.”

And then he did bring forth unto the shepherds. And then he did bring forth unto the Teachers’ courses, that new seed should be planted.

And yet, he did look forth and see that still this was not enough. You of this earth-plane are inquisitive, and you like mysteries.

We say unto you, each of you, place yourself in this instrument of God’s place. Place yourself there for a little while, each of you, who say, “I cannot complete this course,” and those who complete it for title, and those who reach for ministry without substance.

We say unto you, those [who] have now completed the course, who have waited for the instructions of the minister to start, prove of yourselves as teachers and then the instructions of the ministry may start.

Of those who have agreed to take minister’s or teacher’s positions, let them comply. Many of you shall say, “I shall not have the time.” But we say unto you, you cannot afford to not have the time. Leaders will be needed in many places. If they think only of themselves, your people shall return back unto the Stone Age.

The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

We say unto thee of the time of Noah, when his words were cast into the wind by the people, he spoke of the mark, yet they heeded him not.

A thousand years of peace has been promised unto you, a new heaven and a new earth, but only when mankind can accept of this and these things.

A shepherd should tend his flock, not one but all of them. In failing to do this, he should place his staff upon the ground and walk away, or come into whole­ness and in the realization.

There are those of you who we have named as teachers because of the potential, therefore, within the same. And you have become lazy and not complied. Either pick up the staff and continue, or step aside, for we shall weed the garden, and none from either side shall interfere with this work.

For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that the thousand years of peace may reign upon the earth, that the new heaven and the new earth shall become unto reality.

These are not our words, but the words of the Lord, our God, Almighty.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We know you have many questions, but instead of asking questions, take of what we have said and give it thought and you shall find the answers.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword is poised, striking, striking, striking. And one side shall cut away man, and the other side shall cut away the land. Where desert once stood, it shall become fertile. Where forest stood desert shall reign. And man shall thirst for the words and the compassion of his Lord. We have brought the wine and the bread. We have even given you the yeast. [See Genesis, chapter 3, The Revelation, chapter 19 and John 5:19–37, 6:26–64.]

August 5, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God said: “We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark [of the beast, see The Revelation, chapter 13] shall not be cast upon God’s children. As we came forth, we came forth in five places, and the readings as you hear them now, and our voice was heard in five places upon your earth. Now we are able to reach into many mouths and bring forth that day of preparation.

“Our words, give them wings. And wherever you should say it in truth for the betterment of mankind, we shall travel and be there to serve you. For we do not sleep. For wherever you journey, the gift that you shall receive here shall go with you. And only the thought, and we shall be with you. But we are not great. We are but the messengers of your Father and ours, God.

“In your minds you say, ‘Why then do you not speak of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, the first-begotten son?’

“And we say unto you, we speak of these things unto which you seek knowledge as we look unto your minds.

“We need not speak for him who shall come later, for he shall speak for himself, and you shall hear him. Our job is not to place words in his mouth, our job is the preparation for his coming.

“Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children; and glory be the name of the Messiah.”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: Ray Elkins awakens from trance state and describes a vision he had while coming back into his body.

“And they were saying there could have been two worlds, only they were the same world. And I thought, ‘There is blossoms’ […] but it was like there — it was like five Edens coming together. And everywhere there was fruit and [olive…] and just an abundance of everything. It was almost like the [tunnel went in] two paths. But I was — And all of you, I was sitting upon a rock, where all of you were eating from the fields, berry fields, and it was such abundance. Hmm.

“But there was one, and I saw all the [sides] of the nation.”

“You saw what?”

“All the [sizes], the whole world. And, there was a building, which was a huge, big dome. And [entered in] all the people from all the world. And all the nations were there, were gathering, in the thousands and thousands of people. [And then,] I was speaking to them. (Chuckle.) It was very weird [to come forward].”

“How [long were you] there? They knew you were coming, huh?”

“I remember the first time that — and then I heard your voice, coming down, and [then it had changed]. And then I heard the words, ‘You have sinned.’ And then I woke up. It must have been through what I [felt] and saw […].

It was much like coming [up] — There’s much more, but I’d better think about it though; put the pieces parts together.

[A woman asks Ray] “Ray, a building, [with] two paths?”

“Two paths, the world.”

“Which path are we [to go on]? Which shall we take?”

“Whichever you choose to take.

“Whichever you choose to take.

“It was like — I looked, and I was looking at the organization — and then we were here, now. And then I looked at the organization in a different time, and I looked here now, and here now, each was going their own path. And then I looked in a different time and the organization had spread over the earth, and this was the earth where there was an abundance of plenty. But on the other earth they were still squabbling. And I knew that they had not advanced beyond this point, and that’s why it was the way it was. It was like the two earths [were hanging] on scales, and the earths were in a balance; the only thing was the slightest movement would turn it in either direction. And then, [funny] but I saw Henry Kissinger, on one side of the scale and he was trying to pull the earth toward the peaceful side. But it was like, every time he tried to pull, more and more weight was placed upon [it].

“Well, you guys had your reading and I got mine, I guess (chuckle).”

On December 2, 1977, a man asked this question of the spiritual messengers of God: “Aka, ‘What is the destiny of this organization?’…’And will the new Messiah use the organization to accomplish his purpose?’”

“The organization is only here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And there will be those within the organization who shall walk with him. But all shall serve with him. And a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, and a new heaven and a new earth shall be born again.”

Answering him further, the spiritual messengers of God said, “You have asked within your mind, must you believe? And we say unto you, that decision must come from within yourself. But a man without the belief, and the tradition of belief, shall build rainbows in the sky.

“Look into the order of all things upon your earth, and then tell us there is no God. Look into the order of your universe and galaxies, and tell us there is no God And look from where we have come.

“We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, no other.

“We are here to serve your needs. We have done so. We have provided. We did not strike a bargain with you; we stated in fact that which we would do, and have completed that task in full.

“We would say unto you, what is greed, and what is need?”

April 7, 1978, the spiritual messengers of God said: “Glory be the name of the Lord.

“And taketh unto the multitudes, and feed them with the love that should come from your Lord.

“And let it flow through you, from every teacher, from every student, from every minister, from every shepherd, and from your prophet, and from every member. Let it flow unto the multitudes, this love, this gift of love.

“And let it rise unto the heavens, and you shall hear the angels sing unto thee. And let it rise from beneath the earth, and up and through the roots of the trees and the plants, and you shall hear the angels sing unto you. And let it come from the sea, and from the bottom of the sea, and from the waves, and the love shall rise up into thee. For the earth shall be covered with love.

“Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

“Cast aside, and let the blossom of the dawn rise within thee.” [You can hear the passion in the words that are spoken and listen to the love. To hear these words, begin at 15:20 in this video, “Hear The WORDS — ‘A Quiet Place within.’”]

April 14, 1978: “Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?’”

“In the beginning five places were chosen. And four denounced the work and walked away.

“Now you have one. Yet it is spread upon the earth. It is spread onto the other four places, and renewed faith has come forth. But the wisdom and the choice was that of our Father’s. And we may speak of our Father, but we do not have His wisdom.

“We say unto those who stand still and quiet, with messages and thought within their mind, and questions to be asked, look around you. Look at the heavens and the blue of the sky. Look at the green and the flowers of the earth. And then look at your fellow man, and you shall find that none of you have been forsaken. Gifts have been given to each of you in an abundance of all things….

“There be those who shall fall, and those who shall help the others rise again, but beware the mark of the Beast.”

April 21, 1978: “For in truth those with the faith, the hope; and the wisdom to believe shall see the coming of the Messiah, for that is our purpose. That is our only gift we can give you, but it shall be greater than all the gold and jewels and riches of your earth, all together. For if our mission should come about, in fulfillment of the same, a thousand years of peace shall reign upon the universe and galaxies, and all shall know each other in love…..”

The thoughts of the spiritual messengers of God when they speak seem to reach into many minds and places throughout the world. A woman had a dream in the same month the spiritual messengers of God answered the question on the destiny of the organization.

Later, when she met Ray, she asked Aka, April 21, 1978, “Could you explain a dream I had in December 1977…” about “working with Ray, especially with children?”

“That which soul Ray is showing you is a scripture that shall come forth, and be blessed by the people. When you were prepared for death, he gave you life. When you were prepared to have nothing but yourself, he gave you fulfillment. The scripture is the writing of the coming of the Messiah that shall be written, and is written, in the many religions across the land. But yet, farther, he has fed your mind that you shall enhance the new knowledge in threefold….

“Once again we shall say, nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. For those who should come, they shall find no mark of the Beast before them. For those who shall seek their kingdom elsewhere, they shall look in vain. But give unto those who ask, and take away the mark of the Beast from them.

“The Lord God brings blessings unto you. Use them in a wise manner. Pick them up as pieces of stars. Cherish them. Love one another. Let that love flow among you in such a manner that no one can deny it. Take hatred from your hearts. Cast it aside. Put love within your hearts and love within your minds. Project it forth as your shield, as your lance. Pray, ‘0h Lord,’ unto God, thy God, that you should be cleansed and bathed in the light of love. And glory shall be forever more.

“Pick up the roses and plant them.

“You have come from far, each to stand before the light. Yet the greater light is yet to come.

“Yet the light you see, and shall go with you, shall be the greater light.

“Once again, we have set aside your foolishness, for we yet have work for you. Long ago we gave unto the miracle of the candelabra. This day we gave you the miracle of life for all to share, that you may believe.

“Now is the time of the Cherubim….

“Let peace reign upon thy earth and in the heavens, and feel the warmth our Lord has brought this day unto you. For He has felt the love and the warmth you have brought unto Him.”

September 8, 1978: Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain.

And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

And we say unto you, you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship. But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

In this message in 1979, the spiritual messengers of God foretold of this church that would be built four years later, in 1982, on one corner of the ranch Ray Elkins would buy in about a year, in 1979, on Christmas Star Route to which the angels had not yet led him.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds.

Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

December 8, 1978, the messengers of God said: “For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“And as you prepare…let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you. And each day, as you arise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time, where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Let that gift be given freely…and all in abundance shall come back for you tenfold…..

“Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and their spirit, and the temple of God….

“And let the preparation be made that all of your people shall know — and now — that they must stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord…Let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. For that which you celebrate in [is] the love which he left upon your earth in birth and in death. Amen, oh Lord, amen.”

From a small town called Globe, Arizona, this work began on earth by spiritual messengers of God sent to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. They explained, January 12, 1979: “It is not by chance they named this place where this work was chosen to begin. It has the name it does, for from it shall reach unto the four corners of the globe. From here through each of your hearts shall come that day when one can respect another’s religion or faith, and understand and be glad of the same. For here is the beginning of learning and sharing and giving.

“But here also shall be a safe zone in the latter days ahead.”

May 18, 1979: “Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children.

“And we shall say unto thee the parable.

The view from the Dripping Springs, south of Globe, Arizona, looking out onto the valley close by the church to God and the ranch Ray Elkins owned until late 2000, when he passed on.

“The Lord, God, laid forth a valley, and the valley was barren, yet He placed water in the valley, and all those things that were needed.” [Editor’s note: This parable may refer to the Dripping Springs Valley in Arizona, which was provided for the people.]

“And the people that came to the valley came each for their own reason, and their own purpose.



A view of Ray’s ranch from the church he built in 1982.

“Each of these things we have laid before you, and the tools, therefore, to do the same. We say unto you, give glory unto the Lord, and He shall give glory unto you. Give praise unto the Lord, and He shall give praise unto you. Give hope unto the Lord, and He shall give hope unto you. Give faith unto the Lord, and He shall give faith unto you.

“There shall be many sides of your wants in this valley, but your needs shall be provided for.

“We have laid one piece of this valley before you. There are other parts that are also laid before you.

“And the means and the needs shall be laid forth to bring this into completeness, for as we said before, piece by piece and part by parts, it shall all become whole.

“But we say unto you, bring not these things. Place forth unto you unto this valley a plaque and place the Ten Commandments, therefore, upon the same. For the Ten Commandments shall never change. ‘Thou shall not bear false witness.’ If thy know this as a truth, and know all the facts of the same, then, thy shall bear witness. If thy do not know these things to be truth unto thyself and unto thy fellow man, bear witness not unto this. For there shall be many who shall thrust upon you foul abominations, half-truths and falsehoods. Let none of you do this into another, for this is the greatest of sin. For when you do this you have taken away the faith, the hope, and the love [of] the Lord from this person, for they shall feel the Lord has abandoned them. In truth He shall have not.

“Candelas de Dios” (candles of God) lean toward the church, reminding one of the seven-stick candelabras and the seven spirits of God within.

“For it is said that the sun and the rain shall shine upon all, and not the smallest of things shall fall upon the earth or the heavens leste He know.

“Beauty is in the heart and mind and love that can be given unto one another. Abomination has no place to dwell. It can only build a lie and continue to lie, one lie upon the other, until all who sees it shall know the truth.

“The Lord, your God, gave unto your hands the one known as Jesus of Nazara. At no time did Jesus say, ‘Hate unto that man. Curse upon that man. Spit upon that man. Cast stones upon them.’ Nay. He said unto you, ‘Forgive one another.’

“Yet, you hear him not.

“As of all things and as of all times, your times and events are but before you once again.

“From the land of Mexico war marches toward you. It is but a kindling fire.

“Which one of you shall take all that you have and bear witness before God? The Lord, God, does not want you to suffer; He does not want the blood of the Lamb. He wants you to live, from life unto life.

Those gathered for the Annual Meeting listen to a service Ray is giving.

“We have set forth, first, the Rose without Thorns, and now that that you would call The Psychic Light, the soul light.

“There are many who would seek to become teachers. If the strength within them is to carry the yoke and carry it with love in the worst of times, then the Lord shall help them, and we shall help them, for we are not great, we are but as you, the servants of God. We are the ones who chose, and were chose, from he who should come after this one you know as soul Ray. Soul Ray chose to be the one upon your earth. And even as it began in five places, four fell, and one stood. And his reward in heaven shall be no greater than yours.

“As the water of life flows in the valley, let those who should hear our words take knowledge and meaning. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For those who shall place forth the preparation of the coming of the Messiah before all other things, through them we shall place the light and the knowledge and the way.

The Dripping Springs flow into the valley from above the grotto where Ray Elkins’s favorite boots were placed after his passing on October 5, 2000.

“We know you have many questions. Some of them we have answered. But soul Ray is weary, and our time grows short.

“We say unto you, we have brought knowledge unto him, as he has given his life unto you.

“Heed his words.

“Many of you shall be tested, and tested again. And each shall become a link in the chain that cannot be broken. Let he, who shall come forth, and see the light of day in the night, and the night in the day — know of where our words come from.” [See The Revelation of John 20:1–6 and chapter 21.]

“We say unto you, have you ever thought that your greatest doubts are those of the Anti-Christ whispering in your ears to divide you, to conquer you, to destroy you, to cast you unto the four winds? Do not let this prevail. Pick up the staff and the yoke, and bind together in greater strength. Cast aside all petty thoughts. When they enter your mind stop and think, ‘Is this my own mind talking to me, or is this Lucifer?’”

March 28, 1980: “We say unto you, we come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

“This is our total and complete reason for being as we are unto you. And we say unto you, open your hearts that we may enter. Love one another as the Son has told you.

“Love one another, and if you do so, when your brethren does a wrong thing, it is a fine thing to help him correct this, but it is not fine to talk about it afterward.

“Once a deed is done and it has created light and sound, it shall go on as the stars, into infinity. The only thing that may undo a deed, a bad deed, is a good deed in its place, and named in its place. If you shall do this, one unto another, in a loving manner — all the knowledge you seek has been placed before you, all the wealth you seek has also been placed before you.

“As we said before, for those who should come forth, for this great task, for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be laid before them….

“Do not let those that prepare the way for the Anti-Christ to influence you. Stand fast. Be great in the eyes of yourselves and your Lord. Be mighty, that you stand together, one unto the other….

“We see thy need, and we shall say unto you, blessed be the people who have prepared the way.”

At Easter, April 4, 1980, ten years after their arrival, Aka spoke of others who had prepared a way before for the Messiah’s coming: “And we shall say unto you, unto this way, for we see thy need, and we shall say unto thee the parable.

Does this not look a little like the Dripping Springs in Arizona? Through Ray Elkins, 19 years of recorded and transcribed messages came from spiritual messengers of God, Aka, which are archived nearby. But Qumran is an archaeological site in the West Bank managed by Israel’s Qumran National Park. It is located on a dry plateau about 1.5 km (1 mi) from the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, near the Israeli settlement and kibbutz of Kalya. The Hellenistic period settlement was constructed during the reign of John Hyrcanus, 134–104 BCE or somewhat later, and was occupied most of the time until it was destroyed by the Romans in 68 CE or shortly after. It is best known as the settlement nearest to the Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden, caves in the sheer desert cliffs and beneath, in the marl terrace. Photo of the Qumran caves by 9old9 — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

“In the time of this you would call the Essenes, and of these had come together for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, and that also of the coming of John the Baptist. And all did come together. But those who prepared the way for John, and worked with John, became so obsessed with his preparation that when John said, ‘Follow that of Jesus of Nazara,’ many quarreled.

“Many were sure that John was the Messiah, yet he said, ‘No.’ And upon John’s death, many stories were told that Jesus had had John put to death so that he might become the greater.

“Judas came to Jesus and said, ‘Why do you not go and destroy the walls where he is imprisoned?’

“And Jesus said back unto him, ‘For John’s time is now complete and he shall go unto another land, and soon so shall mine be.’

“Judas mistook the words that he said. He thought to force Jesus into becoming a worldly king, and therefore, he did go forth and betray him. All these things that Jesus did, and Judas did, and John did, were as it would be so.

“But remember, Jesus was crucified in the eyes of the people for crimes he did not commit.

“Not once did he steal, nor lie, nor once did he break the commandments of the Lord. Nor did John.

“Yet, they were punished. They paid with their lives.

“You come forth now to say that you shall celebrate the crucifixion, and we say to you, who shall celebrate John’s death?

“All has come forth for this time. Once again, when greatness of the world and the Lord shall be made mighty, the way shall be prepared. All these things we say unto you.

“But they cannot be prepared upon lies and deceit. Love one another as ye would love this one. Come together as brethren and sistren. Do not take from this as a selfish thing as Judas did.

“Take from it and know that it is of the kingdom of God we speak, and the world we speak of is your world, your earthly plane. We have come not to make kings upon the earth. We have come not to place our hands upon one or another and say, ‘Hold this one in a righteous manner.’ We say, hold yourselves in a righteous manner.

“We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, of the prophecies of Isaiah, or the covenant given unto you from Jesus; yet we have come that a new covenant may be placed upon the earth and in the heavens and universe. We have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

“We have come unto you not to bring hate upon the world, but love. We have come unto you not to bring suspicion, or make liars of you. We came for none of those purposes.

“Take from our words; as we have said before, that that shall be as a food to you. Know that from where we are, these things that you are going through have long been in past tense; yet for us once again, that we may succeed in our task, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter.

“And now we say unto you, of the spring of life in the valley [on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona], where the water flows and begins to seep into the ground, there a pool of 16-by-30 measures should be placed. This pool should be made from 4-to-8 foot, and should be lined with stone and mortar that the water may come from the springs of life and flow out.

In the late 1980s, Ray built a dam, as Aka asked, to catch the water that dripped from the springs. A pond was soon filled with water, and reeds grew in the shallow places. One day, a group gathered at church for a special occassion, and accompanied Ray up the hill to the pool. There Ray held up an infant to God as he baptized him with this blessed water that flowed from the springs of life. It felt as if we were in the presence of the spiritual messengers of God who had done this before through John the Baptist in his time. While the Lord, God, looked and saw, and the presence of powerful, holy, joyous spiritual messengers He sends surrounded the crowd, Ray held the baby up high in his arms and offered the newborn to the Father. He said, “L’chaim!” (L’chaim means “to life” in Hebrew.)

“And yet, we shall say unto you, that of the prophet unto you, the robe shall be changed. The robe that is now shall be encased and placed nearby the springs. A new robe, and it shall bear only white, shall be brought forth. For now a ten-year period has passed, and now we shall take you forth into newer things, and transitions.

“And angels shall walk upon the earth and talk to many. For now the armies of heaven shall descend upon you to make way and to prepare for the coming. Many shall hear voices, but we say unto you, make certain that these are the armies of God, not the armies of Lucifer.” [See The Revelation of John, chapter 19.]…

“We say unto you, God pleads unto you — prepare this way. Open the door. Love one another.”

June 7, 1980: “A valley has been laid before you, and abundance shall come from it with hard work, and determination, and the will of yourselves and your belief in your God. The valley is a place at this time, yet the valley shall be laid forth in all men’s heart who wish it so, for the wellsprings of God shall flow forth for all and for all those who should seek forth its abundance. We say to you, look within yourselves, and say unto yourselves, ‘What can this valley give to me?’ Nay, say unto yourself, ‘What can I give unto the valley of my soul, my spirit, my immortal body?’

“There is healing that has been asked for, and we have brought forth an instrument to bring forth the same. And we have shown you of these many herbs of nature that might help this come forth and about. And we say unto you the greatest of all gifts of man is to love one another, and to give back to the Lord one-tenth of the love that He has given unto you.

“One such man came unto this valley, and he was healed, and he could walk. And another could see again, and another hear again, for there were many, as you would call them, miracles. Yet that valley began ten years ago in the minds and hearts of those who would allow us to come into their hearts….

“We say unto you, the valley is like the pool within you, that quiet place where the candle glows, the eternal flame of light. It is like love, and hope and faith. It is all these things and more.

“Reach out on the land, wherever you stand, and bless it, and known that the Lord has blessed it.

“For in the beginning, your whole earth was holy land. Only man has separated it, not God….

“We shall bring love unto your hearts. We shall sprinkle teardrops across the valley of your hearts. Flowers shall bloom. Rejoice, rejoice, for is this not the time that we prepare for, the time of the coming of the Messiah….”

“[12–423–3] asks, ‘What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?’”

“We say unto you, there is much work to be done, the preparation of food, the preparation of the soul, the spirit, the body, and the immortal body. We say to you, make the first step. Make the decision to walk in the light of God. Denounce no religion, and denounce no man. Place yourself in a righteous manner. Remember, you shall make mistakes, many of them, and you shall find yourself upon the ground, and the gentle hands of God helping you up. If you wish to serve God, there is already a way placed before you. If you wish to help prepare the way, touch ten, and they shall touch a hundred, and therefore, so it shall grow.…”

“[12–421–1] asks, ‘Am I fulfilling my destiny, my life’s plan? What more can I do in the now and the future to help others and myself?’”

“Yes, we see thy need, and we shall say unto you, bind together. Bring forth study groups to learn, to prepare. Do not say you have all the truth, only show them the truth you have, and they shall come and multiply. There is a way for those in the town of Albuquerque, and there is a way that this city shall be spared, if enough can be found to turn it in a righteous direction.”

When I asked the question below, I was answered this.

November 28, 1980, the spiritual messengers of God answered: “For the love of God, there is no boundary — there is no container, even the universes, to hold it. We say unto you, let yourself and the love that you desire reach out — and you shall always know it is there. And you shall feel it, and touch it, and taste it, for it is like the sun and the rain; it comes for all.

“But, for those who shall seek, they shall find, and those who should ask shall receive.

“And those who shall listen, they shall hear. And for those who should look, they shall see.

“All things that you seek now are but a beginning of what shall be.”

Aka’s words in 1980 about the valley were prophetic. In December 1982, Ray completed a church there that he named simply, a church to God. He asked that church be spelled with a llittle “c” because he didn’t want the Association to be mistaken for another denomination, or a religion. It is a philosophy for all faiths.

In 1983, the Association began to gather for Sunday services at the new AUP church to God nestled under Christmas mountain on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. The name of the rural route on which the church stands, at the place in the desert where the spiritual messengers of God led people in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, was called, Christmas Star, by a neighbor. He said he had a looked throughout the U.S.for a place for people to come wait for the Messiah. And then, he felt the spiritual presence in all the sky and the heavens above this valley. So this is where he came and called his land across the steet from the church, Wind Spirit.

At the 12th Annual Meeting, held at a church to God, June 10, 1983, Aka was asked this question again: “Why is the Southwest, the Globe area, chosen for this organization, Ray, and this work?”

“In the beginning, as the work was planned for, five were chosen. They were tested and retested. Five is the magical number, for ‘for there are five races,’ five basic races. At first, it was thought that if three did not succeed, then the mission in itself would be a failure. That opinion has since been changed, for now it is one. We have prepared other places and beginnings in the hearts of men, so that they may know, and receives our messenger.

“Why was soul Ray chosen? He was not chosen, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray. Our destiny, our karma, our lives are the same, for where he lives I live, and where I live he lives.

“For as he did come before through the many times throughout your history to prepare the way, so he has come now, [from whom] went out from among us, one was chosen to enter the Earth plane, to be born from the womb of woman to live as one of you. He knew before birth that the road that lied [lay] ahead of him would not be an easy one.

“In choosing who would come in the body form, we chose the one among us who we thought loved God the most. It is not by chance that the first name is Ammie, ‘beloved’; it is not by chance that the second name is Ray, ‘king,’ — ‘Beloved king.’ It is not by chance that the last name would be Elkins, for the full name, and the interpretation would be ‘Beloved King of Kings.’

“We know we have chosen now, this time, to give you information we have long held back from you, because we knew that as his growth took place, and his energy built, and his mind grew, he had to be protected. And now he no longer needs that protection, for he is now, Beloved King of Kings. He is the one sent forth to prepare the way for the First Begotten Son of God.

“And so it shall be. All things that have been hidden from you shall now be opened and lighted. Your questions shall be answered….”

“Thank you, Aka…How can we, in this coming year, with our Annual Meeting coming tomorrow, how can we best, what can we best do to put our work in order? What is most needed? What course should we set that would accomplish the most?”

Here is how the AUP church to God looked in 1983, when these words were spoken. It’s changed a lot. The trees have all grown taller. But you can still come to a church service held on Sundays, weather permitting, and if the creek doesn’t rise (yes, literally). Please email several days beforehand to make plans, if you’d like to come. Here are photos as it grew over the years as the story is told.

“First, we shall say unto you, utilize the abilities that we have placed at your disposal − all of them. Complete your church. Complete your healing well. Let those who wish know that now is the time to prepare the way, but to do so, they must survive.

“Lay out a platform and a plan to increase your membership. Take from your shackles, the restriction we have placed there. Open your Board of Directors to include all of your membership.

“Utilize the talent which you have to the fullest. Cast aside any jealousies, but do not get so busy casting aside that you cast aside the best parts of yourselves and others. Add to, build upon the foundation. Lay a plan of action to increase your membership. Let each member become an envoy.

“Let them reach ten in the coming year. If you do so, you’ll soon multiply once again and again.

“Now is a time of growth and maturity. You have had your childhood in your thirteen years.

“That time is now past; it is over. Remove it from you. You no longer need it….Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. The Cherubim is with you.

“Now you have in your hearts and souls the chance to make the work at hand work. If you are going to do so, remember keep the Sabbath holy. Fill your church. There is always a reason that you think of for not attending. But is it really, truly a valid reason?”

May 11, 1984: “Many years ago, when we came to you, we were asked, ‘Why do you come?’

“And we said we did not come unto others, but we had come that the fulfillment of soul Ray should lead his flock.

“You prepare yourselves for your Annual Meeting. As shepherds of flocks, ask yourselves what you have accomplished. Have you tended the flock? Are you truly a part of the whole? What have you done to bring strength to the group?

“Have you brought truth? Have you brought yourselves? Did the house of the Lord go wanting?”

June 1, 1984: “Now we say unto all of you, soon comes the time of your Annual Meeting….

“As we have said before, in the beginning we did not come to anyone except to soul Ray, that he might lead his flock into the better light of God. For some of you that is hard to understand. In the beginning there were five like him, and now we have but one instrument to work through.

“Understand our words. If you do not understand them, ask and you shall receive. Blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God; blessed be the name of His children forever and ever.”

Ray Elkins serves as prophet as each minister and teacher comes up the the altar to light his or her candelabra or candle, renewing the spirit God sends within.

June 8, 1984 (the 13th Annual Meeting): “Since this is our Annual Meeting, and many people have gathered, is there any message you would like to give them?”

“We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes. It comes with love. We have said unto you, ‘Let 300 come,’ and you shall prevent great catastrophes which so many shall dread. You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing. Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached.” [See The Revelation, chapters 8–11.]

“But we say unto you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all the knowledge He has, for nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon. And no words shall be spoken which you shall not hear if you wish to listen. You have come from many places. You have brought yourselves with you. You are the vineyard. You are the fine wine.”

Why would I like to come to the church to God?

December 1, 1984: “Know that your God is with you. He is not just with you in the best of times. He is with you in the worst of times. And ‘yea, should you walk through the valley,’ where all within it could be evil, if you walk through the valley with God, there is nothing to fear, for He is not just beside you, He is within you….

“We do not ask for your souls. We do not ask for your worldly things. We come not to take from you. But we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Believe us in what we say this day. You think when you walk alone that you are alone. You are not, we walk with you. We hear your thoughts. We feel your hurts. We even feel your frustrations. But we say unto you, faith, love, hope − are not these the things that God built your Earth upon? Are not these the things that we gave you an instrument for?…

“Are we but one crying in the wilderness? Can you not hear us? Can you not feel us? When we have been with you every day, are we strangers to you? Love one another. That is the words we give unto you, that are the same words the Messiah gave to you before….

“We speak to you with the words of our Father, who dearly loves you….

“But love one another. With unity, you have everything. Without it you have nothing….

“But now, before you, in a short span of years is that time. He now lives upon your earth. He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him. He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ….

“Ray has hidden nothing from you except the time that has been given to him of the great catastrophes, and the place where the Messiah is hidden. These things he knows, because the Father has seen fit to place these in his keeping. He also knows that it shall take each of you, each one of you, doing what you call your meager tasks, the things that don’t seem important….

“You walk with, between all faiths. Some of them would destroy you if they could − and think that they were righteous in doing so, and think that God was on their side. No, God is not on their side. God is with you….

“You may think that the tasks that have been placed before you are not important. But believe us when we say, they are the most important things upon this Earth at this time, or any other earths, in all the worlds and galaxies put together. They are like the man who is to build a dike. He started with one rock. You have many rocks now, for you are many. If you come together, [then] that’s the way to build the bridge, the dike, that that should hold back these things that are happening. [If you] come together in thought, in thought-form, and in love, all shall be laid aside. It shall not be easy.”

February 19, 1988: For in the greatest of times, now we should say unto you is the time that has come when change is inevitable. For where no land was, land shall be. Where no garden grew, gardens shall flourish and become complete in their [changing] for the Lord. And where deserts are, deserts shall be [dropped] from the earth, one at a time. We say unto you, now is a great time, a wonderful time, a time when [he for] who you have waited is close at hand. So we say unto you, glory be the light of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever….

For in the final analysis of all things there is love, the love that the Father has for His children, a total and complete and unselfish love. To know [of] this is to know the answers of the secret places and to know the great secrets of all time.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the cherubim.

At another Annual Meeting in June, Ray relaxes before the service and chats with those who are present.

June 10, 1988 (the 17th Annual Meeting at a church to God): “Now we say unto you, you come together once again. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His people forever and ever.”

The people continued to come to the annual meetings.

The spiritual messengers of God asked us to give their words wings and let them go unto the world.

They said on December 1, 1972: “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

In 1994, “The WORDS,” a video of a Christmas message of the spiritual messengers of God, aired on public access television in Tucson, Phoenix, Dallas, and Palm Springs, California. See “The WORDS — Christmas.” Two other episodes were shown in Tucson and Phoenix, “The WORDS — From the Beginning,” and “The WORDS — A Quiet Place.”

Ray sits behind the altar in 1997 after the 26th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy, at the church he built in 1982 that he dedicated simply to God.

In the next years, the Association of Universal Philosophy website was created. More websites followed — see “Our Links to Like.”

Ray gives the Annual Meeting service at a church to God in 1998. Every Annual Meeting was so blessed. Perhaps it was at this one that the moment I walked in the door, there was such a radiance and presence as though all of heaven was looking down and also present with us. I rubbed my eyes because I couldn’t see the world (the church walls and floor) as fully as I could experience the loving light of Heaven on Earth. This is what the spiritual messengers of God say they have come to bring, a new heaven and a new earth upon the earth. It is so true!

The readings were all given wings on the internet at

In 1999, Ray invites Ministers and Teachers to come, one by one, to renew their vows to God.

A free weekly e-mail message sharing philosophy and teachings from one reading a week began to be sent out in 2004 to all who asked. (Please ask if you’d like to receive it.)

The words Aka spoke through their instrument, Ray Elkins, were spoken and were beginning to be written in many places for all who wish to see.

Then, after Ministers and Teachers renewed their vows to God, at his last Annual Meeting in June 2000, Ray also asked all the members of the AUP Board of Directors to come to the altar. One by one, he asked each to promise God that they would continue to serve.

A promise made is hoped to be a promise kept.

Ray passed on October 5, 2000. This was during the high holy Days of Repentence or Awe, between the head of the year (Rosh Hashanah) and the Day of Atonement, that some call, Judgement Day (Yom Kippur). Was this a prophetic sign to all? Since 1973, when Aka gave Ray a prophetic dream, Ray told all who listened about a fuse that was lit in France that was burning slowly toward Israel. If not careful, it could ignite the world. Ray continued to tell this at many annual meetings where people gathered, even at his last. He said, “It hasn’t been decided yet which way the world will go.” He added, “It’s up to you.”

This work goes on today.

On May 24, 1985, the spiritual messengers of God answered: Now we say unto you, our time has grown very short. And so we shall answer unto the mind of he who asks.

And no, the time is not over. It is but the beginning of times. The time and preparation of the Messiah has just begun. Soon it shall swell and the membership shall grow as the pebbles upon the ocean, for we have promised to fulfill your needs.

There will [not] be those who drop away, and this is their desire and this is their need. But have they truly dropped away? For their time that they have spent will have been accounted for into their soul, and shall be taken to account into the days thereafter before the Lord.

But we say unto you, what the Lord giveth, no man may taketh. And we say unto you, the light and the beacon shall intensify until the radiance shall be as a blinding light before man.

The time is just begun. It is not over.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

It’s truly up to you now.

We’ve come a long way since this work began, and we first wrote, “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?” We updated “What is the Association of Universal Philosophy?” to include more. And see the Association of Universal Philosophy’s church to God page.

Yet, as a river looks the same, the water is ever changing; it never remains the same. The spiritual messengers God sends to prepare a way in our hearts flow on, to enter into each one who will receive them.

They will accompany their words, if you listen in the quiet place within your mind where God dwells.

You can read all the transcribed words that were spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, from 1970 to 1989. They are presented one year at a time at “The WORDS — of Spiritual Messengers of God to You” and at “Stairway to God.” Or you can purchase them in a paperback or e-book in the BOOK with Wings series.

The Association of Universal Philosophy created a channel on YouTube, where more of the recordings of the spiritual messengers of God speaking through Ray’s body can be heard. Our channel has grown through the years. Listen to some of the original recordings at the Association of Universal Philosophy channel, at AUniversal Philosophy, at Words of Aka, and at Hear the Angels Speak.

Some of the newsletters were uploaded.

You can read the latest and dozens of newsletters from the last 13 years in the Notes section of our Facebook page. Or read recent newsletters at “Join with spiritual messengers of God upon Earth”.

Topics were gathered into articles and blogs on many subjects about which Aka spoke. Read articles on Aka’s teachings in A Stairway to Heaven, “The Great Sword Is Here,” “Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’” and “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

Books were written from sone of these. See A. Ray Elkins author page.

Find us on twitter @universalphilos.

Enjoy the Association of Universal Philosophy page on Facebook — we have so much for you to see. (Please follow us.) Enjoy learning how the readings began in a guided self-study at the Association of Universal Philosophy Group.

All of the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke are now published for you in ebooks and books: the Book with Wings series, and in parables collected separately in the series, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul and even duplicated in the shorter ebook series, Angels Tell Parables for Today. And now there are more. Enjoy reading about them all. You can find thm on our author pages!

Most of all, please join us! Join the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the association they asked to be formed. They still walk with and guide us today. Help to go on with the work God sends them to do — to prepare a way in hearts first for the coming of the Messiah upon Earth.

It’s a new dawn – a new day — it’s a new beginning!

Let it be born in you.

For information, email or

Join the spiritual messengers of God in their Association of Universal Philosophy they asked to be formed.

“We are here but for one purpose ––and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.” Click “Join with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka in the Association of Universal Philosophy,” or click Be sure to send us a message to let us know you’re joining (as a subscribing member) — or if you’re giving a gift to help this work go on.

Be part of this gift God sends in the preparation for the Messiah’s coming. Let it begin within you, and then give it to others in the same manner of love it is being given to you.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men [and women]’s hearts first.” (Aka, December 1, 1972)

Give their words wings and let them go unto the world!

“For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan.

“And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. [Click to hear this message.]

In Jesus’ name, amen.” (Spiritual messengers of God, May 15, 1970)

“Remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.” (May 15, 1970)

Would you like to join the spiritual messengers of God in the association they asked us to form? You’ll be very welcome. Become a subscribing member.

You can even volunteer to help go on with this work.

Learn lots more. Read “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?

Also, if you shop on, you can chose the Association of Universal Philosophy as your favorite non-profit to support. Amazon will donate a small percentage of each of your purchases to give to help support this organization. And it will cost you nothing.

Donate a dollar for firewood to heat the church to God in winter or to repair the evaportive coolers to cool the church on hot Arizona days.

Your participation in any way you wish will be truly appreciated.

Thank you. May God bless you.


(Editor’s note: The words pf Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.)



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.