“The first step towards success is to take the first step.” — Mahatma Das

Then why most people don’t Question Their Questions? Majority of individuals are primarily confined to the sensual platform. An individual acting on this platform is dragged for instant gratification by the five senses — eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. The senses voraciously demand — beautiful objects, pleasing sounds, enchanting aromas, soft touch and palatable dishes. Result? Focus towards the goal is lost!

Bhagavad Gita 2.44 declares, “Those who are too much attached to sense enjoyment, the resolute determination towards the goal does not take place.

The Vedas teach through powerful examples of how each sense can lead one towards devastation!

1. Eyes: Because of its attraction to the form of fire, a moth gets killed.

2. Ears: By attracting with the sound of its horns, a deer can be killed.

3. Nose: Because of its attraction to the fragrance of flowers, a bee gets killed.

4. Skin: Because of its sensuous desire to touch a captive female elephant, a powerful male elephant can be made captive.

5. Tongue: Because of its desire to taste the bait on a hook, a fish gets killed.

Why is this identity crisis? A person wastes his life just to gratify the senses, which are not only different from the self but also distracts a person from the goal.

Beware of the Trap!

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My personal suggestion: Please read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for deeper insights.



Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal

On a mission to help people break their dis-empowering patterns and motivate them from within.