“I am short tempered, I am an angry person, I cannot achieve anything in life.” A person may assume this to be his/her “nature”, but the science of Psychology refers to it as a “pattern”.

“If it happens once, its an incident. If it happens twice, its a co-incidence. If it happens more than twice, its a pattern.”

A pattern can be right or wrong.

Right patterns help a person to grow and flourish. For eg, a person with a pattern of “remaining calm even in provoking situations” can invest a lot in the emotional bank account of the relationships.

Wrong patterns lead to dis-empowerment and discouragement. For eg, a person with a pattern of “short temperament” can shout anytime on anyone, making withdrawals from the emotional bank account of the relationships.

Can these patterns be changed? Yes, with conscious endeavours.

Krishna enlightens us through Bhagavad Gita 6.35, such patterns can be changed by practice and detachment.

Practice is a conscious endeavour to adopt the right pattern.

Detachment is giving up the association of people with wrong patterns. This is possible only if a person develops an attachment to something higher (Bhagavad Gita 2.59) — association with people with the right patterns. Else, detachment will be short-lived and so will be the desire to change!

Change the patterns and lead a life of your decision! Don’t be a victim of identity crisis by living a life of wrong patterns when you have the power to change!

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My personal suggestion: Please read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for deeper insights.



Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal

On a mission to help people break their dis-empowering patterns and motivate them from within.