Archive of stories published by Aaron Renner’s Personal Blog

Building Workflows with Sidekiq Batches

A few weeks ago, Sidekiq’s creator, Mike Perham, posted a great article about how to handle Really Complex Workflows with Batches. His article shows how you can wait for a batch of jobs to complete before moving on to the next job/batch in the workflow.

Building a Range that counts backward

On, we needed a select box to allow dealers to enter the model year of a bike…

Phoenix acceptance tests on Semaphore CI

Plataformatec just published a great introduction to testing Phoenix apps with Hound. Hound is really cool because it gives you a nice API to build browser-based acceptance tests that exercise your complete application — from your Ember/React/Angular frontend…

Aaron Renner’s Personal Blog
The software development blog of Aaron Renner
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