About Me — Kai

I am researching the Authentic Breath Experience

About Me Stories


Researching the Authentic Breath Experience | Breathwork | Breathe Your Self
Authentic Breath Experience — Breath & Movement — Image: Author

Cultures and languages attracted me since my childhood, maybe because of the early nomadic lifestyle of my family. My father walked from Vienna to Cologne within 6 months, stopping over in Czechia and Poland, at the age of just 11. He had to take care of his mother and two younger siblings. Walking home in ‘45

Nomadism still followed us in the mid-sixties, when I was born. It was shocking, tiring, and exhausting. I never felt at home but on the move. The move to someplace where I could grow roots and plant my heart. The quest became normal and the only static in my life was the change. Searching home till ‘95

The day I found a home, my intuition pushed me there. I found my home inside. My Authentic Breath, in its Rhythm, waiting ever to be sensed. Coming home in ‘96

My truth always had been inside — well hidden from the outer world

There was no awakening or sudden change, and golden trees grew rarely. There were no quick and easy rules, transforming me into a better being. My mind was not blown away and visions came only sparsely into my mind. There was no magic nor energy or love.



About Me Stories

The Authentic Breath Experience | Breathing Exercises | Breath Facilitator | Breathwork Coach | Individuation https://www.skool.com/breath-experience-6845/about