An Interview with Me, By Gemini

Conducted by Google’s Gemini

About Me Stories
5 min readJun 25, 2024


My new profile picture, made with Canva

Hello there! I’m Lite, which is my pen name. After my last About Me, I decided it’s time you guys know me better. So I decided to use AI, or rather, Google’s Gemini, to interview me. The below is the result. But before we start, I want to tell I edited my own answers a little bit to fit in as a story, and I got this idea from Evan Blacksky, so do go support him too.

Lite (L): Hello Gemini! You’re an interviewer trying to have a conversation with me. Ask questions that are interesting, but not niche. Remember that we take turns (you ask, I answer, you ask, I answer).

Gemini (G): Absolutely! Let’s get this conversation rolling. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why? What kind of conversation would you hope to have with them?

L: I’m not really big, or interested in historical figures, but fictional character? As someone who grew up watching films/shows and being in fandoms, the answer to a dinner with a fictional character is simple. So basically, please, why not? I would love to interview The Doctor, Iron Man, Captain America, Superman, Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc.

G: That’s a fantastic list! Let’s narrow it down a bit. If you could have a fireside chat with just one of those characters, who would it be and what aspect of their life or worldview would you be most curious about?

L: The Doctor, as he’s had a long life (more than 5,000 years), which means he has a lot of experience, especially with the fun things. However, he is still young enough at heart to talk to me, because he takes kids more seriously, and is always more fun with them. But enough about him, are they any other questions?

G: Fascinating choice! The Doctor’s perspective on history would be incredible. Now, to turn the tables, let’s explore your interests. You clearly enjoy stories with fantastical elements. When you’re not delving into sci-fi or fantasy worlds, what are some of your other hobbies or interests?

L: I don’t really have that much hobbies if you take away sci-fi and fantasy from me, because obviously, to get into those worlds, I have to either read or watch something. Both of those take up a large amount of time, and are my primary hobbies. But if I’m not reading or watching anything, and HAVE to do something, I’ll probably walk around aimlessly, and ironically enough, dive into an imaginary world. Otherwise, I’d maybe be writing, sometimes playing basketball, or exercising.

G: That’s interesting! Walking and getting lost in thought is a great way to spark creativity. Is there a specific kind of writing you enjoy? Do you ever find that your walks influence your writing, or vice versa?

L: I like writing essays, or somewhat formal, but casual stories, because this lets me treat the reader like a friend, but no so close that I wouldn’t care how I write. I mainly write on topics like productivity, tech, maybe books etc. And walking DOES influence my writing, as some of my best ideas where born during then, or during some mindless tasks. I really just find it hard to keep my mind clear while walking, so I fill it up with thoughts, which eventually leads to some sort of idea, thought not necessarily blog ideas.

G: That makes perfect sense! Walking is a great way to clear your head and allow new ideas to surface. Do you find there’s a certain type of environment you prefer to walk in that sparks these creative bursts? Maybe a bustling city street or a quiet nature trail?

L: This may sound weird, but I mainly just walk in my bedroom. I pace around, if that’s the right word, and I like going in circles around my bed. In fact, before this, when I was younger, I would walk around the dining table in a circle. I’ve never really thought about this until now, but I suppose I like the predictability and comfort I get from it. But no matter what environment I’m in, I just need it to be quiet enough to form my thought uninterrupted.

G: That’s a very intriguing detail! Pacing in circles around your bed is a unique habit for sure. It does make sense that the familiarity and comfort of your bedroom would be conducive to creative thinking.

Here’s another question: When you’re pacing and formulating ideas for your essays, do you ever find yourself unconsciously acting out scenes or storylines? Or is it more of a purely internal thought process?

L: I do act out storylines, but it’s not unconscious. In fact, it’s very conscious. I find that I have a better idea and gist of the story if I act it out, because that creates an outline I can follow. Also, I have a very overreactive imagination, with being fantasy-prone: meaning that I spent the time walking around, being in a state of daydreaming about sci-fi (pretending I’m a Jedi, Avenger, the Doctor, etc.), and paying enough attention to the world around me.

G: Fantastic! Let’s shift gears a bit and get to know you on a more personal level. We’ve talked about your love for stories and your unique writing process. What’s something most people wouldn’t guess about you based on first impressions?

L: I’m very talkative. I don’t know if this sounds odd, because it’s one of the first things that you notice about a people, but I’m sort of introverted. It’s really awkward during small talk, talking with strangers (though its easy to do, I still have a sort of anxiety), or people I haven’t talked to in a long time. But if I’m with someone very close, or some sort of friend, then I’m sort of the opposite. I really do talk a lot. A lot. Like, seriously, too much.

G: That’s fascinating! The introvert/talkative combo is definitely something people might not pick up on right away. It sounds like you’re a social introvert, which is a very real thing. You enjoy deep conversations with close friends but need that alone time to recharge after social interaction.

Thanks for this engaging conversation. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you a bit better. I hope you enjoyed the interview format!

L: I have, thank you so much for staying with me!



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