Weekly About Me Stories Newsletter — 01|09|23

New Introductions to About Me Stories!

About Me Stories
About Me Stories


About Me — Arundhati Sarkar

Data analysis in my day-to-day: My stint in analytics helped me hone my critical thinking skills, and taught me a valuable lesson: my worldview is based on a minuscule chunk of what the world is. When I analyze large batches of data, it’s eye-opening to see how ignorant I am.

This data-backed proof of my ignorance keeps my ego in check.

About Me — Dr. Ruth Miller-Anderson

I grew up in, and still live in Northern Ireland, a previously war-torn and still politically erratic beautiful country occupied by many unique, friendly, and amusing people. Big Al originates from Scotland and can confirm the uniqueness of our sense of Northern Irish humor known as ‘the craic.’

About Me — Maria Hayes

Starting over doesn’t mean failure. It means I’ve figured out what doesn’t work and I’m leveling up to open new doors of opportunity. If I keep an open mind and keep being who I am, that’s when doors I thought were locked will become unlocked for possibilities I can’t imagine right now.

About Me — Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

I moved from upstate New York (think Canada without universal health care) to North Carolina in 2019 to be closer to my children, both of whom had already moved here, and my grandchildren. Sometime in April, I will become a great-grandmother. I’m looking forward to holding a little baby again and then giving it back to its mother as soon as it cries. (I’m calling it “it” because we don’t know the gender yet. I’m voting girl.)

Arundhati Sarkar Dr Ruth Miller-Anderson Maria Hayes Jo An Fox-Wright Maddox

Thank you for allowing us to know more about life through your beautiful story!

Welcome to About Me Stories! ❤



About Me Stories
About Me Stories

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