Tesla Data Science Interview

Tesla has to date accumulated over 1.2B miles its on Autopilot.

Vimarsh Karbhari
Acing AI
3 min readSep 19, 2018


Tesla will be the Amazon as well as the Apple of Self Driving Cars. I have explained this hypothesis in detail in my Tesla article. Elon Musk has tried to push the boundaries of electric car technology and forced every other car manufacturer to go electric. Tesla has great hardware related data science opportunities combined with autopilot software AI which makes it a great place to learn for Data Scientists.

Interview Process

The interview has three steps like the standard engineering interview. First is a phone screen, which has two parts. The first part is all basic questions for background, working experience etc. The second part is about the coding and statistical questions. The second step is the take-out exam for some specific questions. The last step is the on-site interview.

Important Reading

Tesla Autopilot Story

*This talks about Mobileye which was replaced later on by Tesla with a comparable technology.

AI/Data Science Related Questions

  • Why are you interested in Tesla?
  • A fair six-sided die is rolled twice. What is the probability of getting 2 on the first roll and not getting 4 on the second roll?
  • There are 100 products and 25 of them are bad. What is the confidence interval?
  • Solve exponential function and get the maximum likelihood estimator.
  • Use “dplyr” package in R to solve a case.
  • Case study related question about remanufacturing data — and how one can ensure if a part that has been gotten back for remanufacture should not defect again — using the data
  • Reverse a string but ignore special characters
  • Reverse a linked list in-place recursively and return the new head pointer
  • Given a polynomial function with n terms and k degrees, how many partial derivatives can you form?
  • Write a command-line program to evaluate a set of equations.

Reflecting on the Questions

I could only find a few Interview questions for Tesla. However, they should be a good place to start and provide some background on how Tesla approaches these interviews. The question that most folks are asked is “Why Tesla?” There are many questions around R and programming. Lots of hard work and determination can surely land you in a job at most advanced vehicle manufacture in the world.

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The sole motivation of this blog article is to learn about Tesla AI and its technologies helping people to get into it. All data is sourced from online public sources. I aim to make this a living document, so any updates and suggested changes can always be included. Please provide relevant feedback.

