BLADE Browser Extension Update: Get BLADE, Get PAID

adbank blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2019

What is BLADE?

In November, 2018 we announced the plan for the BLADE browser extension. The team has been hard at work developing the first browser extension over the winter (Both Canada’s and crypto’s!) Here’s what you need to know about BLADE:

  • BLADE is an ad-blocking browser extension that replaces blocked ads with adbank powered ads and rewards end users (that’s you!) for viewing those ads. Yes, you get paid!
  • This is a game-changer for crypto enthusiasts, gamers, online gambling, and more. You’re already blocking ads — why not protect your privacy and get paid?
  • Advertisers get transparency: KYC verified humans (no bots!), ad fraud detection, and no opaque fees from the middleman. Payments are on the blockchain, so everyone can see what’s happening.
  • Publishers can make money again. A huge portion of the internet currently uses ad blockers, meaning publishers are taking a big hit to their revenue. BLADE will collect payments that the publishers would be earning and publishers just have to sign up with adbank to access their ADB tokens!
  • Chrome will be the first extension to be released, Q1 2019. Check out the sneak peek of the Chrome extension:

Why is BLADE better?

  • It’s an ad blocker — but better; You already block ads. BLADE replaces them with quality ads from the adbank platform and rewards you with ADB tokens. Get BLADE, Get PAID.
  • Your Privacy Matters: Not only do you get paid to see real ads, we take your privacy seriously. Cut the crap, with BLADE!
  • BLADE is Everywhere: BLADE is browser agnostic! Install BLADE on any browser, on any device so you keep earning all day, every day.

Earn ADB with BLADE

End users (that’s you!) earn the same amount of ADB as the adbank platform. This is the most equitable split, so it’s what we’re doing! As an end user, you get rewarded for your time and attention and earn ADB tokens through the adbank ecosystem.

The amount of ADB that the end user can earn per ad view will depend on many variables, therefore there is no set amount that we can promise at this time. The goal of adbank and BLADE is to:

  • Make advertising transparent for advertisers (no costly middleman & stop ad fraud)
  • Give publishers the ability to get paid again (if your users are using an ad blocker, you’re not getting paid!)
  • Reward end users with a cut of the ad spend for consenting to view ads.

That means, when we win, you win!

Note that ADB rewards are available to all users around the world, with the exception of Canada and the United States at this time. ADB rewards for Canada and the United States will be rolled out asap.

Stay tuned, there’s even more news coming on how you’ll be able to earn ADB with BLADE!

When can you use BLADE?

The BLADE browser extension will roll out over 2019 with the first extension being released for Chrome in Q1, 2019.

Progress to date:

  • All BLADE stories have been estimated, planned, and the sprints are queued up. The first development effort is underway.
  • Effort is now shifting on the development side from the ad network development to the BLADE extension.

What’s coming for BLADE?

Advertisers are IN LOVE with BLADE! Mike (Enterprise Sales) has been getting incredible feedback in many different industries and we are so excited about the prospects being lined up for the Q1 launch of BLADE. We are planning to have 10–15 campaigns running on the BLADE browser extension.

In our previous post, we looked at how easy it is to use the adbank advertising platform as an advertiser. With the help of Mike and Narcis, all BLADE advertisers will have the expertise of the adbank sales team to help them onboard and set up their campaigns. The BLADE project could not be progressing better and the team is hitting all milestones and deadlines.

We can’t wait for you to use BLADE!

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