How to Place Bids for Ad Units

This is a quick tutorial on placing bids for ad units on the AdEx Platform

Ivan Manchev
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

In this series of short tips we will walk you through the AdEx platform to make sure you have all the information needed to take full advantage of it.

After you learned how to create advertising campaigns and ad units on the AdEx platform and deposited some ADX tokens on the AdEx exchange you are ready to start bidding. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to do that.

Keep in mind that each accepted bid guarantees you placement on one publisher slot, so if you want your ad to appear with more than one publisher, simply place more bids. You can place as many bids as you want for each of our ad units.

Step 1: Go to your advertiser dashboard, then select “Ad units”.

Step 2: Select the ad unit, for which you want to place a bid, and click on “View”.

Step 3: When you’ve opened the unit, click on the little blue bid icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 4: There are now three things you need to specify:

  1. Clicks target: the number of clicks you want your ad to achieve;
  2. Bid amount: the amount of ADX tokens you are bidding for your entire click target;
  3. Timeout: the period, for which you want the ad to run.

When you’re ready, click on “Continue”.

Step 5: Check if all the details you entered are correct, and if they are, click on “Place the bid”.

Step 6: Sign the transaction in the window that will pop up.

Once you sign, the bid will appear on the ad unit page. To place more bids, simply repeat the steps above.

How to Cancel Bids

Ooops…you overestimated clicks, or this wasn’t the unit you intended to bid for… no worries. Let’s cancel it.

Step 1: Go to the Ad Unit page and look for the bid you want to cancel. In its right corner you will see a “Cancel button” bid. Click on it.

Step 2: Review all details regarding the bid once again and if you really don’t want it, hit “Continue”.

Step 3: On the next screen you’ll see the transaction details in plain text. Click on “Sign and cancel”.

Step 4: In the Metamask popup, click on the “Submit” button.

In “Transactions” you will see the bid cancel transaction. After few minutes your bid will be closed.

Now you have all the knowledge to start advertising on the AdEx Platform!

Start playing with ads on our platform and see where it goes from that.

If you have further questions or perhaps you would like to suggest improvements and/or new features, please do not hesitate to do so: You will find the AdEx team on our Discord channel.

A quick recap:

  1. How to Register an Account
  2. How to Create a New Advertising Campaign
  3. How to Edit an Advertising Campaign
  4. How to Create a New Ad Unit
  5. How to Add Ad Units to an Advertising Campaign
  6. How to Deposit ADX Tokens to the AdEx Exchange



Ivan Manchev

I guess I know few things about marketing, strategy and creativity. Running, running 42k, doing BJJ, trying to be nice to people. Thank you.