Go to Adobe International Design
Adobe International Design
We’re a group of international designers and technologists who are passionate about creating culturally-appropriate products that meet the needs of our international customers. Designing for different cultures helps us uncover innovation valuable for people everywhere.
Note from the editor

We’re a group of international designers and technologists who are passionate about creating culturally-appropriate products that meet the needs of our international customers. Designing for different cultures helps us uncover innovation valuable for people everywhere.

Go to the profile of Lance Shields
Lance Shields
I lead Adobe International Design — creating international-first products to help Adobe grow in new markets. I love to surf but I’m only surfing the sofa now.
Go to the profile of Lorenzo Buosi
Lorenzo Buosi
Design Lead @Adobe. Less talk, more rock.
Go to the profile of Daniel Wagner
Go to the profile of Rajdeep Chandra
Rajdeep Chandra
I write stuff, design stuff, build stuff.
Go to the profile of Lance Shields
Lance Shields
I lead the Adobe International Design Innovation team, creating international-first products to help Adobe grow in overseas markets.