The other day after a very productive meeting about AdultADHD, cofounder Alex emerged from the toilet looking…
The following is my opinion. I am not an academic. I’m just a person with ADHD. There is an ocean of research about ADHD out there. I suggest you dive into it before relying on the word of any single individual. That said…
Generalisations, this piece is full of them and I can only apologise if I represent your group in a way that excludes you. I have no…
I wrote this poem about people with ADHD. We are the most wonderful of creatures and because of stigma…
I am this fly
trapped in a jam jar.
It is impossible to raise a human without making any mistakes along the way, without leaving just a smidge of unresolved trauma to…
Start turning.
Round and round,
Writing this blog is hard because it is boring. There are not many ways to make writing a blog interesting…