Four of us went on a 2 week, 450 mile bike camping adventure across 3 countries, I recorded it all with a Garmin, a Moleskin, a Hasselblad and Twitter.
Part of the thrill of shooting a bunch of film and then developing it months later is not having any idea what’s on any of the rolls. Your best photo yet could be hiding in there and you don’t even remember taking it.
March 2013
My mom tells me that most of the photos from her youth are gone after the Navy lost her bag. In college I managed to gather up what was left and get everything scanned.
I would give a lot to live in a world where I could see my mom’s tweets, instagrams and…
This is a dump of my favorite film shots I’ve been hoarding for the last 6 months. My first vacation since Benin starts in 9 hours with a flight to Hong Kong and I need to unload these pictures before they get left behind in the wake of Asia pics.
Shooting film requires a certain amount of mindfulness. It’s a complex process with a lot of things that can silently…
Market Street San Francisco has been part of my daily routine for almost a year now, but when this picture taken I…
misty photos from Mt. Tam. Rolleiflex w/ tri-x 400