Could this be the Reason for Poverty, Broken Homes, Sickness, and Wars?

Those who lie, steal, rape, and kill look exactly like those we are waiting for to save us, be they Religious or Political. We are funding our demise. Follow the Money.


Alessandro Bellone, from Unsplash

Is our common sense meter totally broken? Make it make sense.

Before you read any further, I’m not saying Caucasians are bad. Being White and being Caucasian are two different things. Being White is an evil mindset that seeks to divide, conquer, and destroy. I have amazing Caucasian family members. Many of them are in therapy under the White illusion. They’ve been made to believe they are superior, and when going out into the general public, they are finding that The Effects of Slavery do not just have Consequences and Repercussions for Black People. The color of our skin is an illusion and we should not be divided by that. We are all connected by spirit and matter, divided by what are brainwashed to believe.

The saying you must know where you come from to know where you are going is so profound. What do I mean by that? Where do you come from originally? I come from a history of lies, starting with my name. My last name is that of a slave master. I come from an education system that teaches me nothing about myself, my origin, or how people who look like me contribute to this country. For example; did you know that Dr. Henry Simpson, invented the cell phone? Black Excellence. When you think about the cell phone, internet, GPS, caller ID, and other inventions, we are the world’s geniuses, just to name a few. What I learned is that Christopher Columbus discovered America. What I learned is that one day Jesus will return to save me, and all the bad people will go to hell. It looks to me like it is the bad people who are running the entire world. It looks like they are controlling the narrative of what Heaven and Hell is. What I learned was the English language that is filled with spells, but I’m not English. What is my native language?

To know where I come from requires unlearning what I was taught since birth, starting with who my biological father is, my creator. Therefore, this includes my religion. Where is God? What I know is that the vast majority of the people in this country are in therapy. Those who are not cannot afford it. We don’t need Therapy, we need the Truth. We need to understand how colonization has shaped society all over the world, mixing with Black and Brown people, and causing us to flee from wherever they are. It has gotten many to believe that Jesus, a fictional character from the Bible, was White, and of European descent, therefore God must be. This belief has allowed us to invite evil right into our homes, robbing, stealing, and killing us and our families in broad daylight. Why is this okay? Ask yourself which doctor you trust most with your life as proof.

Dr. Anthony FauciDr. Sebi

As I travel I witness how those with darker skin are considered to be a lesser class. They work labor jobs, farming, restaurants, street sweepers, etc., usually with a White supervisor. When they can afford it, many of them do whatever it takes to lighten their skin to be more accepted by their own and the European-looking tourists. This includes poisoning their bodies with chemicals and injections. Once ill, they pray for a White Jesus to save them. Here is an example. It is brought to you by, The Filipina Pea.

We need to understand how colonization has shaped our minds trying to make sense of a system that’s designed for our destruction. If they can convince one to believe they are lesser based on skin tone, they’ve convinced one to destroy themselves and their family members and friends. What a man thinks, so is he. Low wages are intentional. Sickness is intentional. Poverty is intentional. We have been brainwashed into thinking that we have freewheel when in fact, the decisions that we make have already been made for us within parameters. We’ve been taught to lie, steal from each other, and kill each other just to survive. We’ve been brainwashed to believe that the White standard is where heaven lies. We have been taught to serve them with extra care as they destroy us and the world around us. We have been taught words, with definitions, causing us to define everything we think we know according to their English language, hoping to one day get our Master’s Degree. (wink wink) Letters are Characters. We’ve been taught how to think and what to think. And if we try and go against what we were taught, this could mean coming up missing or being isolated from the people we love.

Everything is spiritual. It is all an illusion. As long as we continue to fund the churches that fund the banks that fund the loans that fund the physical and spiritual wars we fight daily, we will forever be mentally enslaved to a European system all across the globe. And for those who choose to remain asleep, it is my opinion that you deserve the life you live along with the conditions in which you live. We perish for the lack of knowledge. How many more generations have to pass before we realize no one is coming to save us, especially a European with blonde hair and blue eyes?

It’s like being taught that one plus one does not equal two, going through life, and continuing to get it wrong. This is mental Illness. Then we go to a therapist who’s not going to tell us where the problem started or what to do about it. They are only going to stretch the process and charge the patient for doing all the talking, prescribe medication, and send them on their merry way. They don’t offer any solutions as to how to cope with the system they are part of. It would be ideal to walk into a therapist’s office and they said, OK, Mr. Jackson, who are you? Let’s start with your slave master’s name because that’s not who you are. How has colonialism affected you and your family?

Do you believe any of this could be the cause of broken homes, drug addiction, or mental illness? The effects of slavery do not just have consequences and repercussions for Black people.

This is my contribution to Black History Month. Google, the Casual Killing Act of 1669?

Please, help support the movement to end single parenting. It is a matter of life and death. Fathers are the missing link between God, women, and children. Follow me on YouTube as I take you on a journey with me as to why I’m Preparing to live abroad. Once you take the red pill, there is no turning back.

Order a copy of, The Manual of Man, so that I may continue to grow and shed light on the truth that will set us free as a nation. We are one people. Thank you ahead of time.

For more thought-provoking content that leads one to question the many lies taught, follow me on all social media platforms. Stop by and leave a comment.

