Spinning and Scratching: A Chance Meeting in Madagascar

by DJ Invisible, American Music Abroad

I have been spinning records since I was 18 years old. I went to college honed my craft spinning parties in dorm lobbies, frat houses, and student unions. Four years…

Citizen Diplomacy Story Challenge 2016 Winners: Leona Amosah, Third Place

by Leona Amosah, Critical Language Scholarship to Russia, 2016

We sit in Sovok, the café all of the adolescents of Nizhny Novgorod frequent. I sit across from her, my fair…

Citizen Diplomacy Story Challenge 2016 Winners: Cara Price, Grand Prize

by Cara Price, National Security Language Initiative for Youth to Moldova, 2016

“This is you,” she said, pointing to bug-eyed Professor Trelawney, the focal point of my Harry Potter…

These are exchange alumni stories. In their words.
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