Tuesday’s Collection — Works from Age of Awareness

ChatGPT and violence in US schools

Stephen Muskett, M.S.Ed
Age of Awareness


1 min readMar 29, 2023


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

It’s that time again, a late Tuesday’s Collection is here. Unfortunately, another sad week for the US education system as we had another school shooting. In the US, there have been more mass shootings this year than days in 2023. (source)

We hope you find value in this week’s selection. Be sure to check out the Age of Awareness publication for the other amazing works from our many authors. And be remember to check out our podcast for recent episodes. Our next episode will be with author and professor Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower. Be on the lookout for one of these newsletters each Tuesday. We hope you enjoy!

Selections for this week:

SWAT Showed Up at My School Yesterday, and Today We’re Closed Due to Another Threat by Dawn Bevier

Revolutionize Learning: Why Teachers Need to Integrate ChatGPT into Their Classrooms, Despite Their Apprehensions by Nicole Akers

How I Used GPT for Student Feedback in More Human Ways by Lance Cummings PhD



Stephen Muskett, M.S.Ed
Age of Awareness

Educator | Founder & Editor of AoA — connecting 500,000+ monthly readers with 1,500+ authors | Tune in at aoapodcast.com