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Age of Emergence
An invitation to explore alternative pathways to possible futures — beyond anthropocentric, beyond growth, founded on our indelible interconnectedness. #decolonization #pluriverse #interbeing #biocentric #emergence #narratives #postgrowth #wayfinders
Note from the editor

This is an exploration of alternate pathways to possible emergent futures. The future is not out there — static, waiting to be discovered. It is a manifestation of our collective choices. The homogenous, Eurocentric narrative imposed on the rest of the planet — first as an imperial-colonial endeavour and then in the garb of neoliberal capitalism — has spectacularly failed. The compounding poly-crises can leave one feeling hopeless, paralyzed, or just avoidant. My endeavour here is not to harp on the gloom but neither do I deny it. I believe acceptance arising from grieving is an essential step towards planetary healing. Only from collective grieving, sensing, and reconnecting can we midwife completely new civilizational narratives.  These narratives are not new — they have always existed in the peripheries, among the marginalized, unheard, unseen, unacknowledged voices. These voices — deemed inconvenient for the power holders — continue to be delegitimized, silenced. This blog attempts to create spaces for the multitudes of narratives to step in; to reclaim our pluriversality; to free ourselves from the oppressions of the universal.

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Sahana Chattopadhyay
Exploring the intersection of #decolonization and #pluriversality to reimagine new pathways towards #emergent futures #biocentrism #interbeing