7 tips for booking travel to your dream destination

Glimpse is a social platform that is all about exploring the world in a whole new way and enabling people to travel. We want to be the catalyst that takes you from your initial idea of “it would be so cool to go see *dream destination*!” to…

Meet the Team — Alex Walling

When Alex Tzinov, Danny Brill, and I first joined together as a team, we all formed on the knowledge that the team is one of the most important parts of a company’s success. We knew that we needed to find the best team possible to work on Glimpse, and the rest would follow. As…

Meet The Team — Alex Tzinov

Here at Glimpse we wanted to take a unique approach in how we operate our company and how we pursue our…

The ever-changing story of a team of young entrepreneurs looking to bring the world closer to those who can’t see enough of it
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