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Taiwan AI Academy
news, tech reviews and supplemental materials
Note from the editor

news, tech reviews and supplemental materials

Go to the profile of Medium AIA
Go to the profile of Stedftw
Go to the profile of Tong Fu Lin
Go to the profile of Yuki Liu
Go to the profile of Fammy 蔡豐名
Fammy 蔡豐名
曾擔任 AIA 台灣人工智慧學校新竹分校助教,對技術與教學充滿熱忱,現為一線 IC 設計廠 AI 顧問
Go to the profile of Abby Yeh
Abby Yeh
iOS app developer.
Go to the profile of Kinna Chen
Go to the profile of tc Lin (德全)
tc Lin (德全)
台灣人工智慧學校 AI工程師
Go to the profile of 吳品曄
Go to the profile of WenWei Kang
Go to the profile of Lung-Ying Ling
Go to the profile of Kuan-Hung Liu
Go to the profile of Darren Wang
Go to the profile of 楊小青
Go to the profile of Yvonne Yen
Go to the profile of 黃琮耀
Software Engineer at Google
Go to the profile of Winston Chen
Go to the profile of Tsai Yi Lin
Tsai Yi Lin
Data scientist / Full Stack developer
Go to the profile of 黃顯堯
研究的領域是Neural Architecture Search。
Go to the profile of 陳宗彥
Go to the profile of Chunjhong
Go to the profile of WKWang
Go to the profile of Cyan
Go to the profile of Tan
Go to the profile of Chia Cheng Hsu
Go to the profile of kevincho
Go to the profile of Lo Gomax
Go to the profile of Hsiao-En Sun
Go to the profile of Wylie _ SUN
Wylie _ SUN
Computer . life . Artificial Intelligence
Go to the profile of 王柏鈞
Go to the profile of Jimmy Li
Go to the profile of 歐陽亦凡
Go to the profile of Tom Lin
Tom Lin
An enthusiastic in swimming, jogging and movies besides my job as an analyst. Specifically with long-standing passion on customer behavior analysis.
Go to the profile of 湯沂達(Yi-Dar, Tang)
湯沂達(Yi-Dar, Tang)
Self supervised writer. Ask question to myself. Transfer the meaningful path as an article.
Go to the profile of Gomax Lo
Go to the profile of Nelson Tsai
Nelson Tsai
Machine learning and Physics worker
Go to the profile of 陳在民TSAI-MIN CHEN(Simon)
日本京都大學應用生命科學碩士畢業,2018年開始參與了多種不同領域的AI競賽,累積了相當豐富的實戰經驗,在結合AI與生醫領域的研究上更是屢次獲獎,卓越成就下進入台灣人工智慧學校擔任專案處的AI顧問,直接接觸產業界。目前在中研院資料科學博士班學習量子計算。 https://ppt.cc/fyx4Dx
Go to the profile of Stedftw
Go to the profile of 張家銘
AI Engineer
Go to the profile of Shu-Yu Huang
Shu-Yu Huang
AI engineer in Taiwan AI Academy| Former process engineer in TSMC| Former Research Assistance in NYMU| Studying few-shot-learning and GAN
Go to the profile of 黃冠華
Go to the profile of Johnson Hsieh
Johnson Hsieh
資料治理實踐者 | Chimes AI 創辦人暨執行長 | 台灣人工智慧學校講師 johnson@chimes.ai
Go to the profile of 吳心予 Lily Wu
吳心予 Lily Wu
科技編輯/寫字維生/迷戀手沖|FB 科技編輯日常
Go to the profile of DH Chen
DH Chen
Former Director of Taiwan AI Academy