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Aid Re-imagined
Arbie Baguios is the founding Director of Aid Re-imagined. He is currently a doctoral researcher at the London School of Economics. Get in touch: arbie@aidreimagined.com
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Resisting coloniality in systems thinking
Resisting coloniality in systems thinking
Some systems thinkers adhere to a colonial rationality that can make them blind to forces that shape a system. How can this be addressed?
Arbie Baguios
Aug 27
Worldmaking in the margins
Worldmaking in the margins
In the wake of anti-racism, localisation and decolonisation in the aid sector, what comes next?
Arbie Baguios
Aug 18
INGO job titles reimagined
INGO job titles reimagined
Quick back-of-the-napkin suggestions on what jobs could look like for INGOs committed in shifting the power.
Arbie Baguios
Jul 31
Where the aid sector is stuck
Where the aid sector is stuck
Many sticky institutions governing the aid sector are outdated or unfit-for-purpose. Here’s how to get them unstuck.
Arbie Baguios
Dec 11, 2020
“Do no harm” is an inadequate moral compass — here’s a more radical alternative
“Do no harm” is an inadequate moral compass — here’s a more radical alternative
To fix aid’s broken moral compass, we must take inspiration from the environmental justice movement and medicine.
Arbie Baguios
Jul 13, 2020
Aid may be inherently racist and colonial, but altruism is not — that’s a cause for hope
Aid may be inherently racist and colonial, but altruism is not — that’s a cause for hope
By updating the story of aid, we can re-imagine its future.
Arbie Baguios
Jul 3, 2020
Video: How to be Anti-Racist in Aid
Video: How to be Anti-Racist in Aid
Arbie Baguios
Jun 17, 2020
The philosophy of unintended consequences
The philosophy of unintended consequences
Reflections on the moral frameworks behind interventions that can cause more harm than good.
Arbie Baguios
Jun 13, 2020
Models shape how we understand the world — the aid sector needs a new one
Models shape how we understand the world — the aid sector needs a new one
It’s time to re-imagine aid.
Arbie Baguios
May 19, 2020
The tyranny of “technical expertise”
The tyranny of “technical expertise”
Between renowned economists Jeffrey Sachs and William Easterly, there is a decade-long debate that has made them the Taylor Swift and Katy…
Arbie Baguios
Dec 20, 2019
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