I asked AI Agent to write a blog about β€œIs AI going to take my job?”

I recently stumbled across Agents and I have been really smitten by the potential they open up and how they can change the digital world from what we know to an exciting mess very soon. I couldn’t get my excitement contained and I began blogging all about it here on Medium. You can follow along the series from this first blogpost that sets the context.

But, I didn’t want to just write about how powerful AI Agents can be also wanted to show a real world example of AI Agent at work, I used God Mode a browser based implementation of BabyAGI β€” that lets you create Agents with a specific Objective and Goals.

I started with my Objective

β€œWrite a well written, well research, thoughtful article on the topic β€” Will AI take my Job?”

It came back breaking down the objective into steps for execution. As seen above. If you remember the flow diagram I had shared in my other article β€” What are AI Agents and Why You Should Care? πŸ€–πŸŒŸ , human feedback was involved here. I manually added a task to create a blog outline and a task to save the blogpost in markdown. Using my feedback the steps of execution was finalized.

Just this aspect is enough and the agent is off to do its work.

It starts with breaking down the objective into tasks and sub tasks and I’l try to represent that in the best way possible below, while showing some screenshots of interim steps.

Task : Conduct research on the current state of AI technology and its potential impact on various industries and job sectors.

Sub Tasks:

  • Search for the impact of AI on industries and job sectors.
  • Execute code to search for information on the impact of AI on the job market and emerging roles, skills, and talent strategies.

Task : Analyze and synthesize the research findings to identify the most likely scenarios for how AI will affect the job market in the near and distant future.

Sub Tasks:

  • Explore the impact of AI on industries and job market through Harvard’s website.
  • Explore the impact of AI on the job market via Forbes article.
  • Explore the impact of AI on the job market and emerging job roles, skills, and talent strategies on weforum.org.

This is really impressive, it browsed through Harvard, Forbes and WEF sites to gain context. But only to realize that it didn’t have the right search term. It decides to use a different search term and proceed.

  • Search Google for the impact of AI on the job market.
  • Retrieve information on emerging AI job roles and in-demand skills from a Forbes article.
  • Search for the impact of AI technology on job sectors using Google.
  • Explore how AI is transforming manufacturing and production on mckinsey.com.
  • Search for the impact of AI on manufacturing, production, and other job sectors using Google.
  • Evaluate the code to find academic articles on the impact of AI in manufacturing and production.
  • Search for information on the impact of AI on healthcare and finance using Google.

Then it proceeds to browse through other reputed websites and gain context. Till it ready to start creating an outline. A notable step here is where it uses custom code to find academic articles from the search results. ( WOW!! ).

Create a blog outline based on the findings

  • Write an outline for a blog post on the impact of AI on the job market to a file named β€œblog_outline.md”.

We have our outline!!!

Task: Write a comprehensive 3000 word blog post that presents a balanced and nuanced perspective on the topic, including potential benefits and drawbacks of AI in the workplace, and offers practical advice for individuals and organizations to prepare for and adapt to the changing job market.

The Agent gave a pretty good draft of the blog and it proceeded with next step to save it as markdown to make publishing easier. If you remember, this was one of the tasks that was added to the execution path based on my feedback.

Task: Save the blogpost in markdown

Subtask :

  • Write a blog post about the potential impact of AI on employment and save it to a file named β€œai_job_displacement_blog_post.md”.

And just like that, with spending just 80 cents on OpenAPI costs and spending 15 mins, I was able to get Agent to write a cohesive, well researched blog post. This is just a simple example of an agent to handle a simple use case ( and a relevant one in my case as it helped me with blog content). But, I’ll leave it upto your imagination of what Agents can do for you. Comment below with your Agent dreams and I’ll try to cover a step-by-step guide to build one of the agents from the comments below.

If you are curious to see how the blog post turned out, here is the link to the article β€” Will AI take my job?( AI Agent version β€” God Mode)

I also took this experiment a little further and asked ChatGPT to create a article for the same topic and if you want to check that part out β€” Will AI Take My Job? (ChatGPT Version)



Shreyas Kulkarni
π€πˆ 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐀𝐬.𝐒𝐨

I write micro-blogs. Micro blogs are ~2-5 min read blog posts that provoke your mind , give a perspective and get the conversation started.