Reinforcement Learning, Part 6: TD(λ) & Q-learning

Understanding Q-learning in action and by example

dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business
7 min readDec 13, 2019


Welcome back to my series on Reinforcement Learning! Now that we’ve covered the building blocks, it’s time to discuss TD(λ) and Q-learning.

In this post, I’ll use a simple example to help you understand Q-learning and answer the following questions:

  • What is TD(λ) and how is it used?
  • How does Q-learning’s classic off-policy method work?
  • What does a Python realization of Q-learning look like?

If you’re new to the series, be sure to check out these posts first:

Part 1: A Brief Introduction to RL

Part 2: Introducing the Markov Process

Part 3: Markov Decision Process (MDP)

Part 4: Optimal Policy Search with MDP

Part 5: Monte-Carlo and Temporal-Difference Learning

Let’s get started with Q-learning!

Temporal-Difference Learning: TD(λ)

In my last post, we mentioned that if we replace Gt in the MC-updated formula with an estimated return Rt+1+V(St+1), we can get TD(0):


  • Rt+1+V(St+1) is called TD target value
  • Rt+1+V(St+1)- V(St)is called TD error

Now, we replace the TD target value with Gt(), we can have TD(λ). Gt()is generated as below:

So the TD(λ) formula is:

In which:

As discussed, Q-learning is a combination of Monte Carlo (MC) and Temporal Difference (TD) learning. With MC and TD(0) covered in Part 5 and TD(λ) now under our belts, we’re finally ready to pull out the big guns!


Q-Value formula:

From the above, we can see that Q-learning is directly derived from TD(0). For each updated step, Q-learning adopts a greedy method: maxaQ (St+1, a).

This is the main difference between Q-learning and another TD-based method called Sarsa, which I won’t explain in this series. But as an RL learner, you should know that Q-learning is not the only method based on TD.

An Example of How Q-Learning Works

Let’s try to understand this better with an example:

You’re having dinner with friends at an Italian restaurant and, because you’ve been here once or twice before, they want you to order. From experience, you know that the Margherita pizza and pasta Bolognese are delicious. So if you have to order ten dishes, experience might tell you to order five of each. But what about everything else on the menu?

In this scenario, you are like our “agent”, tasked with finding the best combination of ten dishes. Imagine this becomes a weekly dinner; you’d probably start bringing a notebook to record information about each dish. In Q-learning, the agent collects Q-values in a Q-table. For the restaurant menu, you could think of these values as a score for each dish.

Now let’s say your party is back at the restaurant for the third time. You’ve got a bit of information in your notebook now but you certainly haven’t explored the whole menu yet. How do you decide how many dishes to order from your notes — which you know are good, and how many new ones to try?

This is where ε-greedy comes into play.

The ε-greedy Exploration Policy

In the above example, what happened in the restaurant is like our MDP (Markov Decision Process) and you, as our “agent” can only succeed in finding the best combination of dishes for your party if you explore it thoroughly enough.

So it is with Q-Learning: it can work only if the agent explores the MDP thoroughly enough. Of course, this would take an extremely long time. Can you imagine how many times you’d have to go back to the restaurant to try every dish on the menu in every combination?

This is why Q-learning uses the ε-greedy policy, which is ε degree “greedy” for the highest Q values and 1 — ε degree “greedy” for random exploration.

In the initial stages of training an agent, a random exploration environment (i.e. trying new things on the menu) is often better than a fixed behavior mode (i.e. ordering what you already know is good) because this is when the agent accumulates experience and fills up the Q-table.

Thus, it’s common to start with a high value for ε, such as 1.0. This means the agent will spend 100% of its time exploring (e.g. using a random policy) instead of referring to the Q-table.

From there, the value of ε can be gradually decreased, making the agent more greedy for Q-values. For example, if we drop ε to 0.9, it means the agent will spend 90% of its time choosing the best strategy based on Q-table, and 10% of its time exploring the unknown.

The advantage of the ε-greedy policy, compared to a completely greedy one, is that it always keeps testing unknown regions of the MDP. Even when the target policy seems optimal, the algorithm never stops exploring: it just keeps getting better and better.

There are various functions for exploration, and many defined exploration policies can be found online. Do note that not all exploration policies are expected to work for both discrete and continuous action spaces.

A Python Realization of Q-Learning

Here is how Q-learning can be implemented:

Given enough iterations, this algorithm will converge to the optimal Q-Values. This is called an off-policy algorithm because the policy being trained is not the one being executed.

Note: The code above is from

In Summary

Q-Learning is an off-policy algorithm based on the TD method. Over time, it creates a Q-table, which is used to arrive at an optimal policy. In order to learn that policy, the agent must explore. The usual way to do this is by making the agent follow a different, random policy that initially ignores the Q-table when selecting actions.

And that’s all for today; you made it! With this article, we’ve rounded off our discussion of TD and from it, I hope you‘ve gained a basic knowledge of:

  • Temporal-Difference Learning: TD target value, TD error, and TD(y)
  • A Python realization of Q-learning
  • Q-learning exploration policy with ε-greedy

TD and Q-learning are quite important in RL because a lot of optimized methods are derived from them. There’s Double Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning, and so the list goes on.

On top of that, there are some other methods — quite different from TD and Q-learning — which we haven’t touched on in this series yet, like Policy Gradient (PG).

I will be introducing many of these methods in upcoming posts. If there’s anything you’re particularly eager to learn, please feel free to leave me a message in the comments. I’ll determine the order of priority based on your needs.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, please hit the clap button as many times as you can. It would mean a lot and encourage me to keep sharing my knowledge.

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dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business

NLP Engineer, Google Developer Expert, AI Specialist in Yodo1