Creating a “Single Choice” Question on Scrudu

Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2020

Scrudu out of the box provides 9 different question types. Of which the most popular choice for any exam is probably the “Single Choice” type. While it is the same as MCQ type, the ambiguity is deliberate. This is to differentiate itself with “Checkbox” type of question, where there can be multiple correct answers to a given question. Needless to say “Single Choice” makes itself obvious here, one answer (from the list) for one question.

Before we proceed further if you are unaware as to how to create an assessment or reach to this stage , we suggest the following article published earlier :- Create an Online Assessment on Scrudu

Upon clicking any question type, a modal box appears. The view of the modal box adapts itself to the type of the question. In case of “Single Choice” the view that pops up is the following

While we believe the interface renders itself to be self-explanatory to a teacher, we nonetheless will try to explain the various components

Question Body

We use the editor to form the body of the question. Various tools help us to add rich text such as images , audio, urls , latex. Incase you are wondering as to how to add images into the editor do check our post on “Adding Images to a Question in Scrudu”


List the possible answers here . Do note that each answer is aided by the same rich text editor which gets visible upon click. The no of options can be reduced by clicking ‘ X ’ button by the side of each option or increased by clicking ‘Add More’ at the end of options

Solution Explanation

Add an explanation to your questions. The students will see this upon submission when the report is generated.

Additional Settings

a) Assign score:- Students are awarded this score upon getting it right. b) Graded question:- This indicated whether the score adds to the total score of the assessment. In short if this is not selected the score of the question doesn’t affect the overall grade of the student. By default this option is always selected i.e a question by default is always graded. c) Negative score :- By default this is set to zero. This implies that students grade doesn’t get affected if they get the question wrong. However if you want to deduct score upon getting the answer wrong, you can set that here.

Adding Tags/Topics to Question (Optional)

You can add tags/topics to your question. Even though this is an optional step. We highly suggest that you should do that. It helps in searching the question along these keywords. This comes in real handy when you want to reuse the question for another assessment.

And there you go . Your question is ready to be added to the assessment. You can add as many questions as you want in an assessment, and mix it up with multiple question types(we will cover other question types in subsequent articles). Until then we leave it up to you to play around with it.

Visit Scrudu at to know more about it or go for a demo here. For pricing details visit our main home page Akiraku.

