Top Stories published by Hope Springs Eternal in 2017

Going Home: Rejoice

One week ago today, my father went home. But, more importantly, 64 years ago today (March 29, 1953) my dad was confirmed. That photo above was taken the day my dad made a mature reaffirmation of faith and a lifelong pledge of faithfulness to Christ.

The Church Doesn’t Act *Like* a Family

This post originally appeared on the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices blog.

I’m back home preparing for my father’s funeral at the end of this week, and I’ve learned quite a bit being on the receiving end of pastoral care…

Everyday Christians

This post originally appeared on the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices blog.

The most recent issue of the Diocese of Texas’ Dialog magazine is focused on faith, culture, and the ways that we live our faith in the midst of our daily lives. This got me…

Seats at the Table

This post originally appeared on the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Vital Practices blog.

What is it about tables? We all hear the anecdotes and research about the importance of family dinner around a table. But what about dinner around a table with our church family, or…

These were the top 10 stories published by Hope Springs Eternal in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Hope Springs Eternal
Thoughts on mission, evangelism, the Church, and baseball.
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