The Rise of No-Code Automation: How Albato Leveraged OpenAI to Automate Routine Tasks

Pavel Stenyushin
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2023


While everyone was discussing who ChatGPT would replace first: copywriters or designers, for our no-code tool team, it seemed like something very distant. But only at first.

My name is Pavel, and I am a Product Marketing Manager at Albato — a platform that helps you automate your workflow by integrating the apps you use every day.

A little backstory

It all started when someone asked our founder to create a course on automating work with AI services. Using our internal app builder, we quickly added OpenAI, but our understanding of use cases was rather abstract. Therefore, we started studying the possibilities.

The first thing that came to our minds was, of course, integration with Telegram, so we could use the Telegram bot as a console to access OpenAI. This way, we avoided the need for registrations, made it easier to use, and essentially shared the bot with our entire team and users. And that’s how it all started…

Eventually, after everyone had played around with it, we realized that the Telegram-OpenAI combo was a cool use case in itself. Many team members felt the full power of neural networks precisely because launching a bot on Telegram is much easier and faster than dealing with registration. Plus, it’s effortless to create your own bot, so if you want to build a similar one for yourself, we’ll leave a link to a detailed guide for you at the end of the article, as well as a link to the bot itself.

Try OpenAI bot in Telegram

The automation in Albato

The next step was to ask the neural network to generate local descriptions for our service in four languages, along with specifying keywords, frequency, and other related aspects. It was then that we realized the potential it offered for optimizing our SEO.

Afterwards, we stopped joking around and started brainstorming ideas for other useful cases that we could gather for the team. One pain point we identified was the need for product news digests, given that we release approximately 20 updates every week.

We tried setting up an integration between YouTrack and Telegram. When the status of a task changes, information from the ticket is sent to Telegram, and OpenAI creates a detailed text based on the ticket’s introductory information. It turned out quite well! It definitely needs editing, but in any case, it can save time on writing weekly digests for both the team and users.

We opted to explore whether OpenAI could help simplify the lives of our developers and projects by requesting the neural network to extract the essential API methods required for troubleshooting. The outcome was decent.

We resolved to transform this use case into a comprehensive automation for working with Google Sheets, OpenAI, YouTrack, and Telegram. In addition, we integrated Notion into the process.

For instance, this is how it operates with Google Sheets, OpenAI, and YouTrack: The software populates a cell in the spreadsheet, inputting a task in the format of “create meetings in ZOOM” or “create a new event in Google Meet.” This query is then transmitted to OpenAI, which initially rephrases the task in the appropriate format and subsequently drafts the necessary methods to be added, along with providing immediate links to the corresponding documentation.

This entire process necessitates only five steps.

The automation in Albato

It’s amazing to see how no-code and the power of OpenAI can simplify routine tasks and streamline project processes. Integrating with OpenAI can provide immense support to professionals across various fields, and we’re thrilled to have implemented this in our workflows.

Moreover, it’s fantastic that anyone can now explore the potential of AI through Albato’s Telegram bot. The bot is user-friendly and provides instructions, feature descriptions, and use cases.

If you have any questions about integrating with OpenAI, including specific service integrations, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. The Albato team is committed to exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence with you😃

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