Alberta Revolting: A 2015 Voters Guide 2

Jack Hope
Alberta Revolts
Published in
1 min readMay 2, 2015

Guide to the SoCreds

Picture originally posted to Hope Exposure on Instagram.

Official Name: Alberta Social Credit Party
Known Aliases: SoCreds, Cranks
Leader: ‘Wild’ Len Skowronski
Seats in Legislature at Dissolution: 0 of 87 (0%)
Electoral Goal for Next Assembly: Seats Where Women Can’t Vote (0%)

Ideology: Nonsense Economics & Nonsense Theology
Agenda: Exile Women, Gays, Minorities, and Non-Christians to Penal Colony north of Grande Prairie

Party Motto: Yes, there's still a few of us left in the general population!

Headquarters: Deputy Party Leader’s Mother’s Basement

Yes, there is still a Social Credit party in Alberta. Lingering like ghosts, trapped in an ideology that was kooky and wildly reactionary even at the peak of their popularity in the 1940s and 50s, this sad lot carry on trying to turn back time to the days when women were barefoot and pregnant, minorities were downtrodden, gays were closeted and white men ruled supreme on behalf of Jesus himself.

Bottom Line: point and laugh if you see one on the street.

Next Up: Guide to the Liberals

Or Back To: Guide to the PCs



Jack Hope
Alberta Revolts

Boring. Obscure. Opinionated. Crazy. Disclaimer: unable to write anything that takes less than 10 minutes (by Medium’s estimates) to read.