Top Stories published by Aleph in 2014

A Call to Israeli Engineers! Adtech Is Not For You.

Years ago, in Part 1 of the Humus Manifesto, I wrote about the talent shortage in Israel which partially derived from talent trapped at a lot of small companies that would not scale. Today, I think that Israel has a much, much larger talent…

The (Israel) Venture Capital Index

Israel’s VC echo chamber is abuzz after yesterday’s expose on the returns of the local venture capital funds. In her “tell all” piece (English here), Inbal Orpaz at The Marker did quite a piece of investigative journalism, piecing together the typically very privately…

Messaging, Positioning and Branding

If you are reading this and know who Conduit or Wix are for more than 2 years, you are probably Israeli. In fact, as I sat on their boards, I often referred to Conduit and Wix as “the biggest internet companies nobody has ever heard of”…outside of Israel.

Announcing Aleph’s YEVVO Investment — And a Backstage Pass to Getting a Deal Done

YEVVO has just announced a funding round that will help them continue on their current (awesome) growth path. We, at Aleph, are honored that they invited us to lead the round, and we are…

These were the top 10 stories published by Aleph in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.