Top Stories published by All Titanium in 2017

Rebuilding Android modules for Titanium 6.x

I originally posted a version of this on my own blog, but was encouraged by the TiSlack crew to cross post it here.

Appcelerator recently released a major SDK update which included breaking changes for Android modules (among…

Rendering Tinted Icons Using SVG Files in Titanium

This tutorial shows how to render a tinted (or colourised) SVG icon file in Appcelerator/Axway Titanium using 2 different techniques: a cross-platform method that renders a bitmap image from an SVG file and tints it and an Android only method…

Alloy Data Binding with ListViews

Inspired by the great blog post by Jason Kneen on the Appcelerator website (Data-binding Made Easy with Alloy) and a question by someone on tiSlack about data binding and ListViews, I decided to write this post. Using the code and approach from Jason’s blog, I wanted to…

These were the top 10 stories published by All Titanium in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.