Top Stories published by Stream of consciousness in 2008

Alienus Non Diutius

Pixar motto “Alienus Non Diutius” (Latin for “Alone no longer”) speaks volume. Pixar is probably the only Hollywood production house that emphasizes collaboration where crew remain employed one movie after another. This is considerably different from other production houses where everyone is…

Power of an Agile Mind


Agile processes have come a long way. It is now available in various flavors and different names. All promises an…


Last couple of week, I watched Discovery channel “Project Earth” series. It showcases ideas that environmental engineers are working on…

Holi — Festival of Color

I happen to be in India on a weekend which coincided with “Holi” — a fun filled festival of color.

If you happen to see me with purple hair or pink nails — it is not that I developed some weired interest lately — but the colors from Holi were washing out. I…

Keep on trying…

I enjoy watching Olympics and this inaugural weekend was no exception. It was fun. It is amazing how host country keep setting a new bar every time during these mega opening shows. This one was no cheap and came at a price of $300M.

These were the top 10 stories published by Stream of consciousness in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.