Archive of stories published by AlphaNews

BAM! Who moved Netflix’s cheese?

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings celebrated the monumental achievement of hitting 100 million subscribers last quarter by eating a steak alone at Denny’s. Little did he realize then that Disney’s Bob Iger wanted a piece of that same steak!

Building a castle in the clouds

Marc Benioff is considered the craziest celebrity CEO! Forbes columnists’ even say “he has the mind of a fox and the body of a bear”. Maybe it’s this image of a bear that Wall St. bulls are not happy about!

These were the top 10 stories published by AlphaNews; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018.

Do you feel that Wall Street advisors purposefully talk in a language to justify their fees? Then you are at the right place. We cut through the jargon and complexity, giving you the market happenings in a way they should have.
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