Hillary Clinton Lost Iowa Because She’s Untrustworthy And Out-Of-Touch

Don’t buy the Hillary Clinton spin. She lost Iowa, and lost badly. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed to put away a 74-year-old self-avowed socialist who last year trailed by a whopping 51…

The UnDemocratic Democratic Primary

If you want to know more about America Rising PAC’s efforts to Stop Hillary Clinton, check out our site HERE.

I’ll admit it — I might have been wrong when I predicted last month that the Democratic primary was going to be a “long slog.”

The UnDemocratic Democrat Establishment

David Plouffe, who managed the 2008 Barack Obama campaign, wrote this week that, “Hillary Clinton has zero chance of not being the Democratic nominee.”

Secretary Hillary Clinton won’t be the nominee because she’s a good candidate…

Secretary Clinton’s New Hampshire Disaster Rocks Democratic Senate Contests

Secretary Hillary Clinton’s landslide loss in New Hampshire to avowed socialist Bernie Sanders does not simply mean that the Democratic president primary is destined to be a raucous contest with no…

Don’t Be Fooled: New Hampshire Is “Clinton Country”

For the second straight week, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s campaign is furiously spinning their underperformance in a key early voting state. And for the second straight week, the expectation-lowering spin coming out of Brooklyn (or rather…

Hey Hillary, Welcome to the Long Slog

The New Hampshire primary is over, and one thing is as clear as a cold Bedford night: Secretary Hillary Clinton has a real race on her hands. Secretary Clinton struggled mightily among a key constituency of the winning Obama coalition: younger voters and…

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America Rising PAC
America Rising PAC is a new generation of Republican research and rapid response. Follow us for the latest opposition research on Democrats.
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