Though your sun sign can determine your future or your fortune, it can also determine…
Babe, a feminist news site, recently published the scathing account of Aziz Ansari’s negative sexual…
“It’s not like I don’t have a right to be angry,” I said while taking a headphone out of my ear. It was…
November 10th, 2016, Mom called me while I was at work. The country was in a state of emergency. A tyrannical sycophant had been…
Last week, Officer Jason Van Dyke of the Chicago P.D. was judged for the murder of Laquan McDonald…
What a past couple of years it has been. It’s only been about 14 months since Marvel’s VP of…
First there was O.J. Simpson. Then came Tiger Woods. Now, White America has been embraced by the indomitable Kanye West. It seemed like…
January 15th, 2018. Let’s recap the previous year in no specific order.