Top Stories published by andre-malan in 2007

LEAP to Learning…

Wow, well today is my last day of working at Student Development on LEAP.

If you are a UBC student and ever get the chance to work for anybody in Student Development grab that chance. It is amazing how everyone in the office is completely dedicated to your success as a…

Quizlet Rocks!

Quizlet is an online flashcard program that allows one to input matching data and test yourself. After using it to study for my Chemistry midterm I fell in love. The reason? It makes remembering long lists (like the names of chemicals in my case) much more enjoyable than anything else that I have ever…

Facebook… I repent!

In my last post “Facebook… you’re dead to me” I lamented at the way in which Facebook apps have killed the usefulness of Facebook as a social networking application. I was wrong (at least to a certain extent) and two events since then have convinced me of that fact.

Facebook… you’re dead to me.

Keep coming back to LEAP to see all the great new stuff that is happening (and if you can, take time to comment on what you think is good or bad). It’s funny, I never thought that my comments mattered on websites, but now that I’m working on one, it’s clear just how important…

These were the top 15 stories published by andre-malan in 2007. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2007 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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