Archive of stories published by Andy Singleton

Agile 2014 appearance for “MAXOS — the new continuous agile”

MAXOS (MAtriX Of Services) went against SAFe a few weeks ago and made a strong showing. I presented this slideshow at Agile2014. During the presentation I highlighted up some “Debatable Points” which offer an alternative to…

Why AI Now?

My friend Brad Power has been studying IBM Watson, and he writes “Do you have some ideas, or know of someone I could talk to, with some ideas on why AI seems to be coming of age now? … I’m starting skeptical since Index spawned Applied Expert Systems, which didn’t get traction in the 1980s.”

Management Guru explains Continuous Agile, MAXOS

How the software industry redefines product management is the subject of a new article on the Harvard Business Review blog by Brad Power. This article shows how continuous agile and MAXOS work by comparing Staples — a batch release shop — with…

Layering Fast IT onto real business at GLG, Lean Agile, PegaSystems

The concept of “Fast IT” plays a small role in my continuous agile book for programmers, but it seems to be the biggest way for to discuss the new world of continuous improvement with everyone else. For example…

These were the top 10 stories published by Andy Singleton; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Andy Singleton
Reference page for Andy Singleton, of Assembla and MAXOS
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