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Andy Tillo, Seattle
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Railroad Track Bridge Near Three Forks, MT — Nov. 2009

We parked HERE and I walked about 50 yards down to that bridge you see there and now see here. I remember there were some dudes fishing on the other side of the river when I pulled up in the Suburban; they probably don’t see a lot of…

Fields of Gold — Bozeman, MT 2009

I think this was probably right around HERE. Again I had the kids in the car and maybe even Heather’s mom was in there. I remember it was pretty windy out so the clouds were moving pretty quickly and that usually makes for some decent shots of the clouds. I took a 180…

Barn Near Jens, MT — 2009

I could search along the I90 route for hours trying to find this, but I swear it is right outside of Jens, MT somewhere. We drive by it every trip to Montana and I never actually get any photos of it, but always say that I should stop. So I did this time, right on the freeway and…

Our Cabin on The Little Blackfoot Near Elliston, MT — 2009

We’ve had THIS cabin for my entire life but I haven’t been to in much since moving to Seattle, maybe 2 or 3 times in the past 10 years at best. We seem to be gaining land as the creek has eaten into the opposite shore over that…