Archive of stories published by Anthem Notes

What Anthem has been reading: Today’s Links

What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?

If you want happy workers, stop treating them like children

Live Talks: The Future Of HR & The Self-Managed Organization

What Anthem has been reading: Today’s Links

The inner game of everything

With driving down, there’s a growing backlash against unnecessary highways

Circular business models could save European manufacturers $630 billion in the next five years

What Anthem has been reading: Today’s Links

Why “Compassionate Capitalism” is kind of a scam

Known organizations currently using Holacracy

German house prices keep falling — because they’ve been designed to

What Anthem has been reading: Today’s Links

Why it’s time to forget the pecking order at work

A particularly salient article as it relates to this morning’s SCOTUS ruling: 2015: The year online activism tipped the scales for social justice

Anthem Notes
Teal organizing principles, process, and practice
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