Top Stories published by Anton on Security in 2020

Can We Have “Detection as Code”?

One more idea that has been bugging me for years is an idea of “detection as code.” Why is it bugging…

New Paper: “Future of the SOC: SOC People — Skills, Not Tiers”

Back in August, we released our first Google/Chronicle — Deloitte Security Operations Center (SOC) paper titled “Future of the SOC: Forces shaping modern security operations” (launch blog, paper PDF) and promised a series…

Detection Coverage and Detection-in-Depth

For some time, I’ve been also fascinated with the concept of detection-in- depth and a somewhat related concept of optimal detection coverage.

This fascination was born out of a particular type of analyst inquiry I used to get: if…

A Practical Path from EDR to XDR — How to Do It?

When I “invented” (well, not really invented, but defined) Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) back in 2013 at Gartner, I did think of the EDR concept as “detection and response on the endpoint.” In other words, I saw the defining primacy of…

These were the top 10 stories published by Anton on Security in 2020. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2020 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Anton on Security
A new start for my security blog. Also see our podcast at
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