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Apegroup — Behind the Screens
Thoughts, learnings and opinions from a digital product studio from Sweden. We deliver world-class design, technology and communication.
Four designers make a wishlist for 2018
Four designers make a wishlist for 2018
It’s that time of year again — that strange in-between when everyone’s looking back and looking forward at the same time. Agencies around…
Linnéa Strid
Feb 21, 2018
Dumb it down - Dress it well
Dumb it down - Dress it well
How we used drones and simple language to enhance the user experience of Fortums’ new purchase flow.
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Oct 10, 2016
What happened to the “Living Room Revolution”?
What happened to the “Living Room Revolution”?
At the end of 2015, we were promised the future of television. But what’s happened since then?
Linnéa Strid
Feb 2, 2017
Building a backend for mobile apps in Go
Building a backend for mobile apps in Go
In this article I will share some experiences from my latest project. A colleague and I created a new back-end service for the iOS and…
Anders Romin
Nov 9, 2016
Responsive Web Design only for tablets and up.
Responsive Web Design only for tablets and up.
Make it look the same on all devices, except the phone.
Nils Sköld
Apr 25, 2013
Working With The Native Grain
Working With The Native Grain
One question that keeps recurring during the initial phases of mobile application projects is whether the user interface should look the…
Ola Laurin
Sep 28, 2015
The first Swedish Hackathon on the new Apple TV!
The first Swedish Hackathon on the new Apple TV!
We are proud to say that we (probably) held the first Swedish tvOS (Apple TV) Hackathon ever! The setup for this Hackathon was to put full…
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Nov 9, 2015
Dumb it down - Dress it well
Dumb it down - Dress it well
How we used drones and simple language to enhance the user experience of Fortums’ new purchase flow.
Fredrik Gunnarsson
Oct 10, 2016
The loudest voice isn’t the most valuable
The loudest voice isn’t the most valuable
Stop overvaluing assertiveness and get everyone listening instead
Linnéa Strid
Dec 7, 2017
Design Principles: a guide to less shitty feedback
Design Principles: a guide to less shitty feedback
A simple framework that takes all the stress out of feedback sessions.
Linnéa Strid
Aug 23, 2017
How to make creative workshops fun for everyone
How to make creative workshops fun for everyone
So we ran a pretty good workshop the other day. Sure we had a reason — to understand speech tech better — but really we did it just for the…
Petter Karlsson
Jun 19, 2017
Four designers make a wishlist for 2017
Four designers make a wishlist for 2017
Instead of reminiscing or predicting, we created a wishlist — with things that we hope will happen in the industry the coming year.
Linnéa Strid
Dec 30, 2016
Be unqualified at what you’re doing and other ways of growing as a UX designer
Be unqualified at what you’re doing and other ways of growing as a UX designer
While we don’t like to admit it, there are moments in a designer’s career where you hit a plateau for creative growth.
Linnéa Strid
Nov 17, 2016
How open sourcing magically improved our code
How open sourcing magically improved our code
The story of ApeSuperHUD: Apegroups first open source project.
Daniel Nilsson
Oct 28, 2016
Design Wars: Structure vs Freedom
Design Wars: Structure vs Freedom
Lately, a small storm has been sweeping through the design team. The smatter of keyboards ring passionately in the halls, Slack channels…
Linnéa Strid
Oct 19, 2016
Implementing a Mediating Layer
Implementing a Mediating Layer
Implementing a backend for frontends, or as we at Apegroup call it “a mediating layer” is something we have found to be greatly beneficial…
Joakim Landegren
Oct 13, 2016
The art of getting lost
The art of getting lost
On sketching, prototyping and finding your way when riding bicycles
Petter Karlsson
Sep 29, 2016
Simplicity trumps choice — A Jetpak case study
Simplicity trumps choice — A Jetpak case study
How we increased the conversion on the booking page by 92% by designing a simplified landing page for Jetpak.
Petter Karlsson
Sep 15, 2016
How We Built the mobile game Deal Catcher
How We Built the mobile game Deal Catcher
A case study for the design, UX and technology behind McDonald’s Sweden’s latest finger twisting campaign.
Martin Gustafsson
Jul 13, 2016
Survival of the fittest meets the 21st Century
Survival of the fittest meets the 21st Century
SATS case study — getting Scandinavia’s most popular fitness club into shape.
Petter Karlsson
Jul 8, 2016
What Is Strategy?
What Is Strategy?
I was recently asked by a colleague of mine if I could write something about strategy. “Keep it short. And try to make it stand out a…
Martin Gustafsson
Jun 13, 2016
12 hours of fighting with hardware.
12 hours of fighting with hardware.
My thoughts on an Internet of Things hackathon for improving the workplace.
Madeleine Kalin
Jun 3, 2016
Automated testing — Learnings from a digital product proof of concept
Automated testing — Learnings from a digital product proof of concept
A story on how we started doing automated testing at apegroup.
Isak Anklew
May 25, 2016
Teaching Kids to Code
Teaching Kids to Code
Learnings from a hackathon with kids, part 2
Apr 29, 2016
Why designers should build robots
Why designers should build robots
At apegroup we believe that prototyping is a good way to learn. Personally, I believe all designers should prototype robots. Here are my…
Apr 11, 2016
Two Headless CMS - Head to Head
Two Headless CMS - Head to Head
As web sites become multi platform, the CMS systems that provide editorial content to the sites need to become multi platform too. One of…
Anders Romin
Mar 30, 2016
Let’s Talk About Conversational Interfaces
Let’s Talk About Conversational Interfaces
Since the release of Golden Krishnas thought-provoking book The Best Interface Is No Interface last year, few topics have been as scorching…
Ola Laurin
Mar 15, 2016
Learnings from a hackathon with kids
Learnings from a hackathon with kids
The idea had popped up while we were working on a project about the future of television. Someone in the team had suggested that we hold a…
Mar 3, 2016
Mapping an hotel customer experience in 48 hours
Mapping an hotel customer experience in 48 hours
We were given the task to innovate around wearables for a hotel guest. We were looking into smartwatches in specific. Before we could dig…
Jonas Wikström
Feb 28, 2016
Experience prototyping
Experience prototyping
A methodology for designing with context in mind
Jonas Wikström
Dec 10, 2015
Innovation in practice
Innovation in practice
A list of 10 things to consider when building innovation at your company
Jonas Wikström
Oct 5, 2015
Training Tesseract for labels, receipts and such
Training Tesseract for labels, receipts and such
So you decided to take up OCR scanning for your project?
Mattias Henell
Sep 17, 2015
The dos and don’ts of modeling
The dos and don’ts of modeling
Recently I was asked to talk about modeling with our developers. What does modeling really mean? And how should you approach modeling? And…
Anders Romin
Sep 14, 2015
About Apegroup — Behind the Screens
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