Top Stories published by APIs You Won't Hate in 2018

JSON API, OpenAPI and JSON Schema Working in Harmony

A regular question on Twitter, at WeWork, and in the APIs You Won’t Hate Slack community, is: “What standard should my API follow? Should it be JSON API or something else?” At which point a bunch of people usually start discussing things…

Solving OpenAPI and JSON Schema Divergence

My previous article explained the divergence between OpenAPI and JSON Schema (a.k.a the subset/superset/sideset problem), and promised solutions. One of those solutions is a tangible thing, which you can install right now! The other is now ready for tool…

These were the top 10 stories published by APIs You Won't Hate in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

APIs You Won't Hate
API development is a topic very close to our hearts. APIs You Won’t Hate started out as a book, with founder Phil pouring everything API related he knew, all the problems he faced, all the design decisions he wish he thought about earlier.
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