Podcasting Shenanigans

At last months RookieOven Meetup I made some inquiries asking if anyone was planning on doing a Technology podcast. I was genuinely interesting in hearing what these brilliant people had to say. Everyone I spoke to appeared to find the idea quite exciting but didn’t have the time to…

Eat my own dog food.

So I have built and amazing app to help people with their fundraising for running events, but I am not signed up for any running events! I am actually signed up to to Nice Ironman event at the beginning of June.

  • 2.4 mile swim
AppyAppster — Independent Developer
AppyAppster — Independent Developer
We are an independent app development company(two people), we have no external investors and all expenses are covered out of our own pockets. We have had lots of input from friends in the independent startup community who without their guidance we could not have got this far.
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