Immerse Creator VR UI/UX: Post 5

Jon Brouchoud
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2018

Design Meeting 1 notes are [here]. Meeting 2 notes are [here]. Meeting 3 notes [here]. Meeting 4 notes here [here]. Below are notes from Meeting 5.

Please Note: This post is one of several in a series where we’re brainstorming the UI/UX overhaul for Immerse Creator — available on Steam in Early Access (here). Immerse Creator is compatible with Oculus Rift CV1, HTC Vive, and basic compatibility with Windows Mixed Reality headsets, but the button mapping still needs some work.

We’re very interested in hearing your input! Please share thoughts below in comments, or on the Community Hub here.In today’s UI/UX brainstorming meeting, we started looking at prototype images for the main menu, and discussed various ways that main menu would be activated.

Discussed FBX import issue for UI element

Don shared images and described a Main Menu concept that allows users to pull on handles to expand the menu

Curved / radius or straight main menu bar?

Menu button on controller opens this main menu bar

Discussed concept of ‘domain’ or ‘canvas’ for the UI elements — where users will be able to slide and dock various elements against this domain.

Reiterate idea that this menu system needs to be visually consistent across all of our apps — architecture, training, product visualization, and Immerse Creator

Next steps: Don will prototype implementation

  • Click oculus button -main menu bar appears
  • Click a button, dashboard panel appears
  • Main Menu can be moved by user off to the side — right or left, up or down
  • When it’s re-activated, it retains that position
  • We’ll use this prototype to evaluate scale, proportion and tag-along functionality of menu system when user teleports or closes / re-opens menu.

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Jon Brouchoud

Founder, CEO Arch Virtual. Passionate about using VR and AR to solve real problems, and contribute to positive change in the world.