Co-Working in California

John Rushworth
ART + marketing
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2015

Two years ago, I set out on a mission to discover my place within the heart of technology startlandia. A key pillar to my success has been establishing myself in smaller subsets of the larger community. Co-working spaces have provided key shelter and a location advantage during the past two years.

In this piece I am going to give you a brief summation of my first two years co-working in San Francisco and discuss the Founders Dojo.

What a ride the past two and a half years has been! From networking like a maniac by using the latest tech to get a leg up and survive in San Francisco, to co-founding a profitable company, and innovating on innovation, it’s been a experience I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Faces Of The Dojo

I recently took over the FoundersDojo. I’m unlocking its awesomeness to be shared, for the first time, with the world. Over the past two years, I’ve co-worked with dozens upon dozens of incredible people in this space. But that’s just a slice of The Founders Dojo story. Over it’s 6 years in existence, the walls have seen nearly 300 people come co-work, mingle, get inspired, and members have co-founded or been part of companies worth in excess of $500 million.

Prior to working out of the The Founders Dojo, I spent a few months working out of Sean Parkers penthouse, and two months at WeWork, the Equinox of co-working spaces. Then I met Carlo, who intro’d me to Dave. I liked Dave’s casual attitude and witty remarks. The space, having far less glamour than the prior two spaces I worked from, was for some reason far more intriguing.

It’s clear to me the Dojo walls have absorbed the energy of 300 entrepreneurs. Real entrepreneurs who have failed, succeeded, and slept in this space.

BBQ At Jeff’s SoMa Apartment

Everyone has an opinion, a need to be heard, and a want to be a part of something. Entrepreneurs sometimes have a hard time fitting in because being an entrepreneur is actually one of the most isolating things you can do. As a founder, you are often choosing to go against the norm. You take pay-cuts, sacrifice social life, and ignore the haters, all to stay on your path to what we all hope is eventual success.

The Founders Dojo is the place to satisfy all of the aforementioned natural human cravings. At WeWork I felt isolated and it felt corporate. You sit at your desk, everyone is heads down and somewhat pretentious. There just wasn’t a sense of community, like at the Founders Dojo. This is the difference maker.

Dojo BBQ, Hosted By Dojo Member, Fahim At NEMA SF

At the Founders Dojo, you’ll frequently get thrown into a conversation about something you never woke up thinking you’d be discussing. You’ll likely end up becoming friends with current Dojoans and Alumni “Blackbelts”. We have BBQ’s and in-office happy hours with neighboring companies. Every Friday at 12:30pm we have a speaker come do a tactical 30min DojoTalk. Dojo members work hard to accomplish their goals and hit target KPI’s.

There’s a distinct makeup of founders working at the Dojo. We organically attract first-time as well as very seasoned entrepreneur. There’s really no in-between. Sitting next to a first time founder provides seasoned entrepreneurs with a spark of endless energy and curiosity. Seasoned founders provide quick answers and direction to the first time founder.

It’s the first time ever that Founders Dojo has been available to the public for membership. Come by for a day at The Dojo, to see if you like it. It’s a community first co-working space, and we think you’ll love it.

See You At The Dojo!

