Go to ArtBuzz
A publication by online platform Visit My Studio that promotes accessibility in the art industry. Our mission is to amplify the voices of pioneering artists, curators and other practitioners. But sometimes we also dish out on the latest art buzz and fuzz just for fun.
Note from the editor

A publication by online platform Visit My Studio that promotes accessibility in the art industry. Our mission is to amplify the voices of pioneering artists, curators and other practitioners. But sometimes we also dish out on the latest art buzz and fuzz just for fun.

Go to the profile of Nini Huang (she/her)
Nini Huang (she/her)
I write about visual art, culture, life struggles and sometimes politics. Currently based in Scotland - used to live in Sweden - made in China.
Go to the profile of Emil Tetzner Harris
Emil Tetzner Harris
Art and tech entrepreneur with a passion for machine learning and encountering visual artists.
Go to the profile of Talia Osler
Go to the profile of Hester Mauduit
Hester Mauduit
Curator and freelance writer seeking to communicate the climate crisis, MA Fashion Curation student at London College of Fashion.