How Podcast Works

I was talking about podcasts in a Twitter DM with a friend and he asked some stuff, and I started to write a long reply, then decided I should put it here.

So what I had originally said was: In my opinion, starting a podcast right now is way better than starting a blog…

Making web pages go fast.

I wrote 2 things (1, 2) on here about static site generators a week or two ago, and was really surprised at the level of interest, and I had some good discussions, and I think I’m actually probably going to do a project trying to create a really good static site generator that…

Today, someone I know on Twitter asked what the 2015 way to start a blog was. I have opinions on this, and they’re just opinions, but these are mine. they’re not crazy or contrarian, it’s just easier to type this out here than Twitter.

The really obvious suggestion is WordPress. It’s good, open source, hugely popular, and…

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