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Artlandis’ Magazine
Best Practices, Success Stories, Identity Kit and Inspiration
Note from the editor

Artlandis’ Learning (in precedenza: “Artlandis’Webinar”) è il progetto di formazione aperta, gratuita e condivisa lanciata nel 2011, con oltre 450 webinar ed eventi online. Ho preparato tante novità, nuovi canali e modelli di e-learning, concreti e coinvolgenti. Il leit motiv è il solito: SI CRESCE INSIEME, O NON SI CRESCE. Qualche nota su me: Massimo Nava (a.k.a Artlandis) is Creative Strategist, Social Expert, Teacher and Digital Artist. Generative thinker, Training, Visual Lab & Suggestions since 2001. BenQ evangelist and Adobe Stock Influencer; “GraficiCreativi Community” admin and co-owner since 2009; “Artlandis’ webinar” owner: open learning and consulting (since 2011). Social Wall: https://linktr.ee/Artlandis

Go to the profile of Artlandis
Arts, Learning & Training | Suggestions | Generative Thinker | Melting Pot Maker 🏳️‍🌈
Go to the profile of Artlandis
Arts, Learning & Training | Suggestions | Generative Thinker | Melting Pot Maker 🏳️‍🌈