Top Stories published by ash_blog in 2018


THE TOKENIZERS시리즈 2번째 편을 가져왔습니다.
THE TOKENIZERS시리즈 1편에서는 토큰화에 대해서 설명을 하였다면 이번 포스트
에는 토큰화와 관련된 프로젝트를 공유하려합니다. 
Midas의 Co-founder이자 Communications를 담당하고 있는 Konstantin Trott 이 작성하였으며 제가 국문으로 번역하였습니다.

Melonport founders become advisors to Midas

We are very happy to announce that as of now Mona El Isa and Reto Trinkler join the Midas advisory board and support the team with the development of Midas on multiple levels. Moreover, Mona El Isa will be first to take a seat on our board of directors…

These were the top 10 stories published by ash_blog in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.