Collected Essays

Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2023

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My Selected Essays:

Meaning crisis and language series:

Eyes of Mud and Spit series:

Other Longreads:

Medium archive, by subject:

Cultural Analysis

Louise Perry and the Case Against the Sexual Revolution

The Strange Trend of Kindness Porn

The philosophy of the culture wars — why we need to talk about what we are actually talking about

Our Cosplay of a Culture

Pop Stars and the Human Need to Worship

The Crisis of the Modern World: Language and meaning

The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Life

The Meaning Crisis and Language

The meaning crisis and language II — Do we need to ‘believe’ myth and metaphor in order to understand ourselves?

The meaning crisis and language III — Myth, faith, ethics and aesthetics

The fragmented, lonely, sad dystopia of social media, and how birds can save you.

We don’t read poetry. Understand why and you understand everything wrong with us as a society.

The Meaninglessness of The News

Is Western Society Collapsing?

The end of the world is un-culture.

Religion and Faith

For Once, Richard Dawkins is Right

Neo-Christianity is Here

The Agony and Blessing of a Religious Upbringing

How Is God Love?

The Problem of Evil

The Fastest Growing Religion in the World is Under the Radar

The Strange Return of Belief in God

The Anatomy of Spirit and Fire: How Reading Ancient Theologians Can Help Us Today

The 7th Century Monk Who Communed with Animals and Saw the Future

Why Christianity Is True (long read)

‘Spiritual but not religious’ — the catchphrase for the latter days of the West

A Defence of Religion

Why I Still Believe In God

Julian of Norwich — 21st century lessons from a 14th century mystic

Valley of Vision: Why an old puritan prayer book might change how you think about religion

The End of Atheism and the Age of Apathy

The Beautiful Absurdity of Christian Meaning — Anton Chekhov — The Student

The Garden of Eden — The Unconscious Self and a Moral World

Cain and Abel — Our Conflict with the Unfairness of Reality

Can We Approach Religion Entirely Through Experience?

On Poetry and Poets

Poetry As Epistemology

Poetry, Language and λόγος

Why Shelley’s ‘A Defence of Poetry’ Should Be Mandatory Reading for Students of All Disciplines

The Spirit and the Sign: How Great Poetry Works

Poems you should read before you die: The Waste Land — T. S. Eliot

Poems you should read before you die: Four Quartets — T.S. Eliot

Poems you should read before you die: William Wordsworth- Ode: Intimations of Immortality

Understanding how poetry works can help us understand the self

Poetry and Understanding Time

Poetry and Reclaiming Time

Poetry and Redeeming Time

Poetry and Comedy

A Field Guide to Poetic Form

Philosophy, Psychology, Science

Near Death Experiences: The Lines Between Phenomenology and Science

Can Quantum Physics Explain Consciousness?

Longing: the Most Important Human Experience

Free Will: Dr. Robert Sapolsky and the Persistence of Dogmatic Determinism

The Basic Flaw in the Scientific Method

Why Dawkins ‘The God Delusion’ is the Worst Work of Popular Philosophy Ever Written

The Degradation of Public Science

Poetry as Epistemology

Why Science is Pessimistic About the Human Condition

Art is More True than Science

How Consciousness Undermines Evolution

Why is there something rather than nothing? How the ontological question is misunderstood, and how it is reflected in the death of culture

The Religion of Reductionism


Music and the Sacred

How Dante Can Change Your Life

The Sympathy of Things

Why “the Christmas feeling” is more profound than you think.

Jung’s Anima and Literature

Psychedelics and the modern world

Psychedelics and the modern world II — shamanism, prophecy and the unconscious mind

Neuroscience and individualism

Love is the only conception of free will worth having

The hard problem of consciousness from the perspective of language

The hard problem of consciousness from the perspective of language (succinct summary and clarifications)


Modern Spirituality is Profoundly Wrong About the Self

The Spiritual Crisis of Modern Life

Understanding The Self — Changing Changelessness

Yoga in the West

The confusion of non-duality

