It’s Time to Welcome D.C. to the #AtTheTable Community!

Allison Hufford
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2018
Photo from Roberto Nickson on Unsplash.

Big news, female founders: our family is about to get a whole lot bigger!

After hosting dinners in cities across the United States — from Boston, to New York, San Francisco, and Miami — #AtTheTable is finally expanding to its fifth location: Washington, D.C.!

Meet our D.C. organizer:

Laura Fredericks, Co-Founder and Head of Content for Paradigm Labs!

Laura is AMAZING and we’re so excited to be working with her!

There’s LOTS to be excited about!

D.C. is a gorgeous city with an amazing array of new and unique restaurants for us to try (perfect for us #FemaleFoodies). But out of everything, what are we most excited for? The female founders, of course!

Through this expansion, we’re opening the doors of our community to D.C. founders who may not have had this opportunity before, giving them a chance to learn just how AMAZING it feels when you’ve got the support of dozens of like-minded women behind you!


Want to join our team by becoming an organizer? Fantastic! Read this to learn How to Bring #AtTheTable to Your City.

If you’re a D.C. female founder, the application can be found HERE!

Still have questions? Check out the links below for more information:

What is #AtTheTable? | What Can I Expect?| What Happens After Dinner?

We’ve come a long way since we first set the table for our Boston founders (check out our first press release) and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be adding more place-settings for our incoming sisters.

We’ve got plenty of chairs to go around ;)

There’s still some time to go before our first dinner in D.C., but until then we’ll be waiting with baited breath and open arms for our next batch of talented and ambitious women to join the movement.

Apply today!

Welcome D.C. founders — we can’t wait to meet you!

Want to stay connected to #AtTheTable in the meanwhile?

Follow this blog and find us on Twitter and Instagram @atthetablehq. See you soon, ladies!

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