MeatValue Tops First Axie Arena Rare Era Leaderboards

QU3ST and METAT8 guild members compose majority of the top 10 leaderboard spots for the first era.

Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives
2 min readJan 20, 2023


Lunacian Code: BattleRiot

Axie Infinity recently ended its first Rare Era during season 2 of the Axie arena for Origins with MeatValue, head coach of the QU3ST Esports team, taking the top spot.

The Rare era wrapped up last January 18 with 7 out of the top 10 spots being occupied by either a QU3ST or a METAT8 guild member. Joining MeatValue from QU3ST are Wargos, SpamAndRice at 2nd and 10th place respectively. Rival guild METAT8 had Mino, Shoe, and De-hi at the 3rd to 5th spots, with Zannzaki placing 7th place. Wrapping up the top 10 are Joca Infinity at 6th, YGG’s TOEN at 8th, and MV{‘s Khairru at 9th place.

Source: MeatValue Twitter

“I’m really happy. I was close many times, but this is the 1st time I get a 1st place in a big competition,” said MeatValue on his top finish for the Rare era. “It was very different [with] only 1 week to figure out what was good [and] no time to breed or buy runes. There were a lot of changes together and little time to test.

Season 2 marks the first time that the era mechanic is used and it has brought a different feel to leaderboard hunt. A small portion of the $AXS prizes were given out during the Rare era, while the prize pool increases as each era progresses. With a lot of card changes from season 1 and a limited offseason, there are still combinations and strategies that the community hasn’t figured out and may come out in the Epic era.

“I don’t think the new mechanics are fully explored yet,” MeatValue shared his thoughts on the level of competition. “I think [competition] will scale up as the eras advance. Some people are trying really hard [to progress throug the leaderboards], myself included.”

Source: Axie Infinity Substack

Epic runes and charms are now unlocked and can be crafted by the players. The Epic era lasts until February 1 3:00 UTC. Check out the Axie Infinity substack for more details.

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Enzo | BattleRiot
Axie Archives

Blockchain Gaming Economist. Axie Infinity Community Member. A gamer that writes about Web3 games.