Top Stories published by Bare Blends in October of 2016

Waveblade: enhance your recovery

The Waveblade Sports Roller is a new sports massage tool, designed to assist recovery, release tight muscles, and improve performance. Engineered in Australia by our friends Choppy Somjee and Matt Waterton, the Waveblade is almost at our doorsteps (we’ve already ordered…

3 Mood-Enhancing Superfoods

If you’re feeling down, you could very well have your diet to blame. Studies have frequently proven the link between the foods we eat and our mental state.

It’s also been proven that if you have an unhealthy diet, you’re more at risk of depression. There…

Bare Blends
At Bare Blends we take a holistic approach to your nutrition and wellness; producing delicious natural & organic superfood blends that nourish and nurture an active body + mind.
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